#1 23. Oktober 2013 Hallo Leute, es ist schon spät aber vielleicht mag ja morgen im Laufe des Tages mal eben meinen Text hier auf Gramatik, Rechtschreibung und Satzzeichenfehler prüfen.. Mein schriftliches Englisch lässt leider sehr zu wünschen übrig Das ganze soll ein ein reflexive Blog sein von einem Artikel. Spoiler What Drives Us Forward: The power of the individual "The desire to stand up for what we believe in is part of what makes us human." A strong note which is the main message in Natalie Holmes article in the Future journal. I totally agree with her opinion, that each one of us can improve the world with new ideas, creativity and engagement. The internet made it possible to share them with people over the whole world. It's as easy as never before. Regarding to the article i most agree with Natalie's opinion, that people today aren't driven by money only. An good idea should be supported by all who are interested in, even there is no money to gain with. In the future i will try to convince more people to start thinking this way. I will also try to motivate them, to bring up the necessary courage for sharing their own thoughts, ideas and projects to make our world a better place to live. But there aren't only good aspects. People with criminal energy could exploit the credulity of their fellow men. So everyone should take care which project he wants to support and which opinion he wants to represent with his voice.
#2 23. Oktober 2013 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 23. Oktober 2013 AW: Bitte kurz meinen englischen Text fehlerlesen (200 Wörter) Würde ich "alone" anstatt "only" benutzen. Kann das nicht mit Fakten belegen, aber es "hört sich für mich falsch an". Der Satz "But there aren't only good aspects. People with criminal energy could exploit the credulity of their fellow men." hört sich für mich persönlich ein bischen an, wie aus einem Wörterbuch. Irgendwie sticht das Wort credulity so heraus. Wenn mich nicht alles täuscht fehlt da ein "in" hinter live. Du lebst nicht die Welt, sondern du lebst in der Welt. Ansonsten, man schreibt das "I" immer groß und ich denke ein paar Kommas fehlen, aber von Kommasetzung im Englischen hab ich noch weniger Ahnung als im Deutschen. Wenns nicht so sehr ums technische, sondern um den Text an sich geht. Ich würde vielleicht ein wenig mehr auf den Originaltext, bzw. worauf auch immer du antwortest/bloggst hinweisen, zitieren usw. Ich persönlich hab null Ahnung worum es geht. Wenn das ne Hausaufgabe ist, dann ist das vermutlich beabsichtigt und kein wirklicher Kritikpunkt. 1 Person gefällt das.
#3 23. Oktober 2013 AW: Bitte kurz meinen englischen Text fehlerlesen (200 Wörter) What Drives Us Forward: The power of the individual "The desire to stand up for what we believe in is part of what makes us human." A strong note and Natalie Holmes' main message in her Future journal's article. I totally agree with her: every one of us can improve the world with new ideas, creativity and dedication. The internet made it possible to share those ideas with people all over the world. It's easier than ever before. Regarding the article I mostly (klingt eher nach "entirely") agree with Natalie that people today aren't just driven by money. A good idea should be supported by all who are confident of it - whether or not there is money to gain. In the future I will try to convince more people to think this way. I will also try to motivate them to bring up the courage to share their own thoughts, ideas and projects to make our world a better place to live in. But there aren't only good aspects. People with criminal energy could exploit the credulity of their fellow men. So we should think twice about what project we want to support and what opinion we want to represent. 2 Person(en) gefällt das.
#4 23. Oktober 2013 Zuletzt bearbeitet: 23. Oktober 2013 AW: Bitte kurz meinen englischen Text fehlerlesen (200 Wörter) What Drives Us Forward: The power of the individual "The desire to stand up for what we believe, (in) kommt weg soweit ich weiß. is part of what makes us human." A strong note(statement würde hier besser passen oder nicht?) which is the main message in Natalie Holmes article in the Future journal. I totally agree with her opinion, that each (one kann hier weg) one of us can improve the world with new ideas, creativity and engagement. The internet made it possible to share them with people over the whole world (all over the world). It's as easy(entweder easier oder das was am ende der Zeile steht.) as never before. (It was never easier before) Hier sollte lieber sowas stehen wie: Regarding to the article, I´m sharing the opinion of Natalie. Dann der Neue Satz mit People..) Regarding to the article i most agree with Natalie's opinion: People aren't just driven by money today. An(A, ohne n) good idea should be supported by all who are interested in, even (if, sollte dahin) there is no money to gain (with, sollte weg soweit ich weiß) und anstatt gain lieber earn. In the future i will try to convince more people to start thinking this way.( Das hört sich auch ganz komisch an.. Eher sowas "In the future i will try to convince more people, start thinking this way.) I will also try to motivate them, to bring up the necessary courage(courage,) needed for sharing their own thoughts, ideas and projects to make our world a better place to live. But there aren't only good aspects. People with criminal energy could exploit the credulity of their fellow men. So everyone should take care which project he wants to support and which opinion he wants to represent with his voice. Der Vollständige Text dann: What Drives Us Forward: The power of the individual "The desire to stand up for what we believe, is part of what makes us human. A strong statement, which is the main message in Natalie Holmes article in the Future journal. I totally agree with her: Each of us can improve the world with new ideas, creativity and engagement. The internet made it possible to share them with people all over the world. It was never easier before. Regarding to the article, i´m sharing the opinion of Natalie. People aren't just driven by money today. A good idea should be supported by all who are interested in, even if there is no money to earn. In the future i will try to convince more people, start thinking this way. I will also try to motivate them, bring up the courage, needed for sharing their own thoughts, ideas and projects to make our world a better place to live. But there aren't only good aspects. People with criminal energy could exploit the credulity of their fellow men. So everyone should take care which project he wants to support and which opinion he wants to represent with his voice. Abi- Englisch sowie Verbesserungen durch Serien^^ Natürlich hat aber jeder n anderen Stil und schreibt Sachen etwas anders 1 Person gefällt das.