Englisch Summary

Dieses Thema im Forum "Schule, Studium, Ausbildung" wurde erstellt von -=LuIgI=-, 14. Dezember 2008 .

Status des Themas:
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  1. 14. Dezember 2008

    ich muss eine Zusammenfassung über das Buch "About a boy " von Nick Hornby schreiben.
    Könnt ihr mal bitte auch Satzbaufehler und Rechtschreibfehler und so weiter gucken,
    weil ich darin echt eine Niete bin....


  2. 14. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch Summary

    About a Boy

    Will is a 36 years old man who lives alone in London. He never has to go to work because he receives lots of money monthly due to his father having written the song “Super Canter Slight”. He loves one night stands and experiences that single mothers are very attractive and interesting.
    Marcus is a 12 years old boy who lives with his mother in London. His parents have been divorced.
    His mother's name is Fiona, who is very depressed at the moment. His father lives with his new girlfriend in Cambridge. Other kids at school bully him due to his appearance. Marcus wears glasses and uncool clothes.
    Marcus and Will meet for the first time at the picnic from SPAT. SPAT is a support group for
    single parents. Marcus came with Suzie, the best friend of his mother and Will came looking for some single mothers. Will and Suzie talk to each other for the whole day and at the end Will brings them home. When they arrive at the house, Fiona lies at the ground and doesn’t move.
    She has tried to commit suicide. When Fiona is healthy again, Marcus visits Will dayly and so they become friends. After will recognizes that Marcus is an outsider at school, he tries to help Marcus to become cool. Marcus gets new shoes and a new haircut.
    Then Marcus meets Ellie and speaks to her for the first time.
    Ellie is the most popular girl at school. She's a tenth-year student and loves the lead singer of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain. They become good friends as Marcus knows a lot about Nirvana because Will
    told him everything about them. At a New Year Party, Will meets the best looking girl he has ever seen.
    Her name is Rachel and she has a son named Ali. They both fall in love.
    Marcus is at Suzie's the new year party. He is lucky because Ellie came as well.
    They talk to each other the whole night and their friendship grows stronger.
    When Marcus goes to school the next day, Ellie's mood is very bad because Kurt Cobain
    had tried to commit suicide. After school, when he is at home, Fiona tells him to stay with his father this weekend. But he doesn´t want to go to his father. When he tells it Ellie, she proposes to come with him. On their way to visit Marcus' father, Ellie sees a picture of Kurt Cobain, who committed suicide the day before, in a shop window and she thinks that the media want to make money out of him. She breaks the window with her shoes which causes problems with the police. After a discussion with their families they go out to eat something.

    Will changed Marcus' life because he helped him to be popular. So Marcus could get
    new friends and now he isn´t an outsider no more. But Marcus changed Wills life too
    because now Will has a stable love relationship.
  3. 14. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch Summary

    Danke erstmal,

    ich habe mal ne frage ws heißt "due"?

    Gruß LuIgI
  4. 14. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch Summary

    due to heißt während oder "zu der zeit"
  5. 14. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch Summary

    in welchem zusammenhang?

    EDIT: due kann auch ein adjektiv sein... oder subjekt...

    da stehen die verschiedenen bedeutungen:
    dict.cc Wörterbuch :: due :: Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzung
  6. 14. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch Summary

    "due to" heißt in meinem Fall aber sowas wie "wegen" oder "deswegen" oder "daher".
    Es ist also kausal verwendet worden.
  7. 14. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch Summary

    kleiner tipp von mir:

    Du solltest unbedingt an deinem Ausdruck arbeiten und Konjunktionen lernen. Es lohnt sich wirklich damit deine Texte einen besseren "Fluss" bekommen und flüssiger zu lesen sind. Im Moment reihst du viele Hauptsätze einfach aneinander...und das Wörtchen "because" muss man nicht so oft benutzen und kann man schön umschreiben.

  8. 17. Dezember 2008
    AW: Englisch Summary

    Könnt ihr euch das hier nochmal angucken?
    Ist ein text über den Autor.

    Gruß LuIgI
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