
Dieses Thema im Forum "Viren, Trojaner & Malware" wurde erstellt von Reps0L, 26. Dezember 2009 .

  1. 26. Dezember 2009

    habe glaub ich ein kleines problem. besitze einen asuws EeePC.
    ist echt schick das teil, aber nach ca 3monaten benutzen spinnt er seit 2wochen ziemlich.
    also funktionieren tut alles.

    ich habe aber das problem, dass der laptop mancham meeeeeega lahm ist!!! alles hängt und es dauert stunden, bis ich ein fenster in firefox öffnen kann. echt nervig.

    manchmal kommt ein fenster, dass mir iwas mit einer "tazebama.dll" datei sagt.
    ist das ein virus oder vllt ein trojaner?

    hab versucht die datei zu löschen, aber hat leider nicht geklappt

    hilfe wär mega gut! vielen dank schonma! bw ist klar

    mfg und merry xmas Reps0L
  2. 26. Dezember 2009
    AW: tazebama.dll ???

    sage und schreibe 1 sekunde google:

    und ohne hijiack log oder anderer is das eh sinnvoll
  3. 26. Dezember 2009
    AW: tazebama.dll ???

    1. downloaden - How to remove Tazebama.dll virus: Virus & Spyware, Anti-Virus

    Step 1: Use Windows File Search Tool to Find tazebama.dll Path

    1. Go to Start > Search > All Files or Folders.
    2. In the "All or part of the the file name" section, type in "tazebama.dll " file name(s).
    3. To get better results, select "Look in: Local Hard Drives" or "Look in: My Computer" and then click "Search" button.
    4. When Windows finishes your search, hover over the "In Folder" of "tazebama.dll ", highlight the file and copy/paste the path into the address bar. Save the file's path on your clipboard because you'll need the file path to delete tazebama.dll in the following manual removal steps.

    * Read more about How to Delete tazebama.dll with File Search Tool

    Step 2: Use Windows Command Prompt to Unregister tazebama.dll Files

    1. To open the Windows Command Prompt, go to Start > Run > type cmd and then click the "OK" button.
    2. Type "cd" in order to change the current directory, press the "space" button, enter the full path to where you believe the tazebama.dll DLL file is located and press the "Enter" button on your keyboard. If don't know where tazebama.dll DLL file is located, use the "dir" command to display the directory's contents.
    3. To unregister "tazebama.dll " DLL file, type in the exact directory path + "regsvr32 /u" + [DLL_NAME] (for example, :C\Spyware-folder\> regsvr32 /u tazebama.dll .dll) and press the "Enter" button. A message will pop up that says you successfully unregistered the file.

    * Read more about How to Remove tazebama.dll DLL Files

    Step 3: Detect and Delete Other tazebama.dll Files

    1. To open the Windows Command Prompt, go to Start > Run > cmd and then press the "OK" button.
    2. Type in "dir /A name_of_the_folder" (for example, C:\Spyware-folder), which will display the folder's content even the hidden files.
    3. To change directory, type in "cd name_of_the_folder".
    4. Once you have the file you're looking for type in del "name_of_the_file".
    5. To delete a file in folder, type in "del name_of_the_file".
    6. To delete the entire folder, type in "rmdir /S name_of_the_folder".
    7. Select the "tazebama.dll " process and click on the "End Process" button to kill it.

    * Read more about How to Delete tazebama.dll Harmful Files
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