Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

Dieses Thema im Forum "Overclocking & Benchmarks" wurde erstellt von Masterchief79, 29. August 2009 .

  1. 29. August 2009
    Hey Leute
    ich bins ma wieder ^^

    Also, ich hab ein Problem und wüsste gerne ne Lösung. Ich hab per Softmod meine 4870x2 auf 1,35-1,4V gebracht und den Core Takt von 750 auf 900MHz angehoben.
    Selbst 3D Mark Vantage lief problemlos, alles perfekt...

    Nur Crysis Warhead zeigt sich unglaublich störrisch. Egal was ich tue, immer wenn ich Graka OC mache stürzt das Game irgendwann ab. Ich hab den Takt auf 865MHz gesenkt... Dasselbe Ergebnis. Der Takt ist stabil. Crysis schmiert trotzdem ab :angry:

    Ich komme noch nicht mal ins Spiel. Er lädt die entsprechende Map, und wenn ich dann auf "weiter" klicke hängt er sich auf. Ich hab also noch nicht mal ne ingame Szene -.-

    Grade bei Crysis ist das natürlich sehr ärgerlich, weil das ein Game ist, was wirklich noch vom Graka OC profitiert.

    Also weiß jemand was? ^^
    BWs gehen natürlich raus

    Greetz MC79
  2. 29. August 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Benchstabile ist nicht Gamestabile

    Da wirst du locker noch auf 800core runter gehen müssen Maybe auch noch den mem...

    Am besten ist es wenn du den benchmark von Crysis hollst und dort immer mit 30 loops testest ob die settings ok sind.

    lg Crux
  3. 29. August 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Naja hatte auch wie gesagt schonmal gefurmarked mehrere Stunden, auch stabil, nur das nutzt ja nur einen Kern...
    Was mich eigentlich wunderte war ja auch, dass ich überhaupt nicht ins Game reinkomm weil der sich schon vorher aufhängt, als sich das Bild noch garnicht aufgebaut hat o0

    Naja werde vlt mal auf 1,3V-1,35V Core Spannung und dann erstmal 825MHz gehen. Ma schaun

    Danke für deinen Post BW geht raus

    €dit: Wie gesagt ich glaube schon dass der Takt stabil war..

    Das Maximum liegt nämlich nochn gutes Stück drüber, ist aber nicht dauerstable:
    Bild: furmark930-985laho.png - abload.de
    Nicht schlecht oder
  4. 29. August 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    ich bezweifle irgendwie dass es am OC liegt...würd sagen liegt entwder am game oder an deinem os
  5. 29. August 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Hatte ich unter Vista auch schon
    Naja mit 1,38V und 820MHz läufts bisher stabil, werde gleich mal auf 830-840 gehen
  6. 29. August 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Es liegt am OC. Wenn ich Crysis zocken will, muss ich auch mit den takt runter gehen, weil mir sonst das spiel nur mehr abgackt. Beim benchen kann ich viel mehr takten und es läuft stabile.

    lg Crux
  7. 29. August 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Ja ich denke allmählich auch. CSS konnte ich noch mit Standardspannung und 850MHz zocken^^
    Gut, bis jetzt sind bei 1,38V 840MHz wirklich stable, da geht wahrscheinlich auch noch etwas mehr, aber ich lass es jetzt denk ich dabei bewenden

    Wieder was gelernt: Furmark-stable ist nicht Game-stable ^^

    Übrigens dieses Rivatuner Voltmod ist wirklich sehr zu empfehlen...
  8. 31. August 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Hast du die Furmark.exe auch umbenannt?^^
    ATI mag Furmark garnicht und hat anscheinend in den Treiber eingebaut, dass sobald eine furmark.exe gestartet wird, die Karte u.U. nicht mit 100% Last (oder gar beiden Kernen) läuft.
    Die wissen nämlich ganz genau, dass bei maximaler Auslastung (was in Spielen NIE passiert) die Spannungswandler sehr schnell anfangen wegzubrutzeln

    Wie sieht es denn mit der Temperatur der SpaWas aus?


    Zwar schon was älter...
  9. 31. August 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Nein ich habs nicht umbenannt und werds aus den von dir eben genannten Gründen auch nicht tun Crysis läuft ja jetzt (auch mit Natural+Ultra High Res Mod) perfekt auf 850/975, das soll mir reichen.
  10. 31. August 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    ich kann dir übrigens (achtung lang^^):
    Cuban-Ultima-Doom-Assassin47-Taowolf-Sword's Custom Crysis Configs [CCC] [Triple "C" Pack] VERSION 2.21
  11. 31. August 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    ich kenn da jmd der nennt sich google XD
    ...gibts natürlich auf fanpages zu crysis...z.B. CrysisHQ

    ach übrigens^^ du kannst ja mal probieren obs im Editor nicht abkackt hatte ich nämlich auch schon das normal gar nix ging aber im editor schon ô0
  12. 1. September 2009
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 13. April 2017
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Ja könnte natürlich auch noch an der Programmierung liegen...
    Hab den Editor nicht und auch nicht wirklich Lust mir den zu laden... ^^

    Werde den Mod von dir mal ausprobieren Danke Vom CCC Mod hab ich auch schon was gehört, nur der sah auf nem Youtube Vid jetzt nicht sooo toll aus. Egal ^^

    Der Ultra High Texture Mod des Modders Rygel bringt (Bei mir zumindest) keine sichtbaren Verbesserungen. Nur weniger FPS -.-

    Edit: Ach ja schaut euch dieses Vid mal an OOOO

    Das sind ja mal die geeeeeeeilsten Texturen ever!
    Weiß jmd wo man so einen Mod herbekommt?

    Das sollte es sein: http://incrysis.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=23117
    // Ups das war für Warhead ^^
  13. 1. September 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Danke für deine mühe Masterchief79, aber warhead habe ich nicht ^^
  14. 2. September 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Kannst ja auch einfach mal selber nach "CCC Mod Crysis" oder so suchen ^^
    hab den runtergeladen, lässt sich aber leider nicht installieren, liegt vlt an Win7...

    Egal sieht auch so geil genug aus ^^
  15. 5. September 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Das TripleCPack oder die Mod funzt übrigens auch nur bei Crysis classic soweit ich weiß^^

    CCC Readme:
    Cuban-Ultima-Doom-Assassin47-Taowolf-Sword's Custom Crysis Configs [CCC] [Triple "C" Pack] VERSION 2.21 + Goodies

    -For Final Retail Crysis and SP Demo

    -For HELP or Comments + Suggestions, Bug Reporting, POST HERE:
    This Download Contains:

    -Cuban-Ultima-Doom-Assasin47-Taowolf-Sword's Cutsom Crysis Configs "Release Version" v2.21
    >The Popular-by-demand Configs in autoexec.cfg + system.cfg + TOD form, merged into the "Config Crew":
    -Cuban_Legend (Original/Legacy config structure)
    -UltimaRage (TODs)
    -Doomlord52 (AI Tweaks)
    -Arch (Installer Programmer)
    -The Assassin 47 (Custom Realsitic Shadow Tweaks)
    -Taowolf51 (Hybrid HDR and Visual Optimizations to TOD)
    -SwordSaintSlayer (Tweaking expertise and Rigorous ATi Level Testing)

    > The Confis are Split into the following two seperate versions for two specific Operating Systems and Direct-X rendering paths:
    - DX9 Windows XP/Windows Vista
    - DX10 Windows Vista
    - Advanced User Version Configs (without cvar descriptions "Help Lines")

    > Two version of each config for two different Types of Shadows:
    - NEW Realistically Rendered Shadows Algorithm by The_Assassin_47
    - Original [CCC] Ultra-Sharp Shadows Algorithm

    > Comprised of Five Seperate "Levels"(1-6) to better match Different Caliber Computer Systems

    > A Special Tutorial version of the Config:
    - Basic User Version Config(with intergated cvar descriptions "Descriptions/Help Lines" *ONLY FOUND IN GOODIES FOLDER in your crysis Install directory*)

    > MADBORIS's Command Variable (cvar) chart in Spreadsheet and Image Format.

    > Doomlord52's AI Tweak
    > The_Assassin_47's AI Tweak

    FIRST give MAD props to MADBORIS with his cvar config charts he painstakingly made, cutting our testing and configuration time in half! His chart is included in this download (in Original Excel Spreadsheet format and Image Format)for quick and easy reference.

    And for his Ultimate Tweak Guide found HERE:

    It's the most comprehensive guide on the Internet made to teach newcomers and experts alike the ropes of tweaking Crysis to GAIN FPS and Image Quality! Giving you the tools and information so you can even customize THIS config to your personal preference!

    Ok, Remember when you first played Crysis? And you wanted to see how it looked all maxed out on "HIGH". Only to realize that it slowed your frame rate down to unplayable levels and lagged you out... Forcing you to say goodbye to awesomeness "HIGH" or "VERYHIGH"settings to say hello to UGLY "LOW" settings, so the game would at least run SMOOTH?

    Now you can have a bit from both worlds! Playable frame rates, AND beautiful Crysis graphics that made your eyes bleed from all the "total awesomeness".(lol) PLUS even some *HIDDEN* DX10 goodness NOT even available on stock "HIGH" which you may have never seen? These Configs I created will make your Regular/Original Stock "VERY HIGH" setting look like nothing, and run at frame rates near stock "HIGH" and maybe even "MEDIUM". You will never have to play on ingame stock "LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH/VERY HIGH" ever again.

    After 175+ hours of rigorous testing and configuration. The Triple C [CCC] Tweak version 2.21 project is complete and up for public release, 2 new members were accepted into the "Config Crew", Assassin47, and Taowolf, making this release, possibly the most EPIC config tweak ever in Crysis History.
    This [CCC] Pack includes these special "Very High" only extras like:

    -Advanced HDR [High Dynamic Range] Rendering
    -Sun Shafts/Volumetric Light Beams
    -Water God Rays(same as Sun Shafts, but underwater)
    -Parallax Occlusion Mapping
    -3D water + Enhanced Water physics fluid algorithm
    -Enhanced DX10 Depth of Field
    -Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
    -Adnanced DX10 Color Grading Filter
    -and Special Per-object Motion Blur

    This Config Pack also includes *EXCLUSIVE* Graphical Extras:

    -*Back by Popular Demand*Custom Ultra-Sharp Shadows Algorithm!
    -*NEW* Hrbrid HDR! Mixing [CCC] HDR with Luxus Silentium atmospheric settings! Courtesy of Taowolf51!
    -*NEW* Realisticly Rendered Shadows! Done by Assassin47!
    -*NEW* More Efficent Shadow Optimizations! Done by Assassin47!
    -*NEW* More optimized LVLS 1 & 2!
    -*NEW* Improved, Optimized and 100% UNIQUE TOD, by our very own UltimaRage!
    -Texture Bump Mapping/Detail Textures on Mountains
    -Custom/Realistic Ambient Terrain Occusiotn Solution
    -Custom/Realistic Screen-Space Ambient Occusion Combination
    -Custom/Realistic High Dynamic Range
    -Config Structure based on Specific "User-Defined" Operating System
    -Config Structure based on Specific "User-Defined" Direct-X Rendering Path (DX9 or 10 GFX Cards)
    -Configs including "Help Lines" (cvar Descriptions) for Beginner Users [find in 'Goodies' folder in your Crysis install directory]
    -Bare-Bones configs for Advanced users

    This package comes in 6 different levels of Cutsom-Tweaked configs with Specific PC Hardware Requirements:
    HOW DO I PICK WHICH LVL TO USE? Here is how you pick(trial and error works too):
    *you can switch the LVL config you want at any time just "Copy" and "Paste" it where it belongs.*

    LVL-1 = VERY-LOW (For 'Low-end' PC.) [CPU]x1 [RAM]1GB Min [GPU]8600/8500 256MB and up.
    LVL-2 = LOW (For 'Slow' Gaming-PC's.) [CPU]x2 [RAM]1GB [GPU]8800GT 256-320MB, 7950GT & up
    LVL-3 = MEDIUM (For'Good' Gaming-PC.) [CPU]x2 [RAM]2GB & up [GPU]8800GT/GTS [old]320-640MB
    LVL-4 = HIGH (For 'Great' Gaming-PC.) [CPU]x2-x4 [RAM]2GB & up [GPU]8800GT/GTS [g92]512 & up
    LVL-5 = HIGH+(For 'Great' Gaming-PC.) [CPU]x2-x4 [RAM]2GB & up [GPU]8800GT/GTS [g92]512 & up
    LVL-6 = VERYHIGH (FOR FUTURE Gaming PCs)[CPU]x2-4 [RAM]2GB-4 & up [GPU]8800Ultra & up.

    *NOTE*For [GPU]'s, the equivalent or nearest match (performance-wise) using Last-Generation (8x00 or 7x00 Nvidia Series or ATi GFX Cards) Hardware is is also accepteble.

    1. Start the Installer, run through it and when its done...

    2.Play the game, and ENJOY.

    3 BUT BEFORE you get lost in all the Awesome Crysis Graphics and Smoother Framerates:

    COME BACK to this Thread v2.21 Support Thread):

    And post your:

    1. PC Specs
    2. LVL-config used
    3. Performance gained/lost (how much FPS)?
    4. Your Resolution + average min/max FPS with the Crysis GPU Benchmark.
    -from BEFORE 2.21
    -and AFTER 2.21
    5. Bugs/Glitch Reporting:
    -Post 2-3 Screenshots where the Bug/Glitch Appear
    -With Specific Directions to where/when the bug/glitch occurs.
    6. Any Comments or Suggestions!

    * the above info is EXTREMELY USEFUL.*

    -It allows US and EVERYONE ELSE viewing this Thread to gain an idea of the average performance the v2.21 configs offers to a specific Hardware. Within the wide varieaty of PC Hardware the CCC users play with.

    -Helps me determine how much further tweaking would be ideal for future installments of the CCC. Using the FPS/Resolution figures given by the CCC users.
    Change Log & Bug Fixes
    Version 2.21 ~ released 7/.../2008

    - Back by Popular Demand "Custom Ultra-Sharp Shadows Algorithm!
    - NEW Hrbrid HDR! Mixing [CCC] HDR with Luxus Silentium atmospheric settings! Courtesy of Taowolf51!
    - NEW Realisticly Rendered Shadows! Done by Assassin47!
    - NEW More Efficent Shadow Optimizations! Done by Assassin47!
    - NEW More optimized LVLS 1 & 2!
    - NEW Improved, Optimized and 100% UNIQUE TOD, by our very own UltimaRage!
    - NEW AI Delta Difficulty Tweak by The_assasin_47!
    - NEW AI Delta Difficulty Tweak by Doomlord52!

    * [INCLUDING]:
    - The "Goodies" folder installed into your main Crysis directory now includes:
    ~ "Beginner User Config" (give descriptions of what certain lines do and these descriptions are in the .cfg itself.)
    ~ Cvar Charts by MADBORIS (in Excel spreadsheet & image format)
    - NEW Custom Time of Day file; developed by Ultima:
    ~ Unparalleled Realism and Playability to Crysis never seen before.
    ~ Improved Night Time via new subtle "grain" effect.
    ~ Optimized Screen-Space-Ambient-Occlusion (SSAO) Effect
    ~ 90% Eliminated Gun/Arm Glow (SSAO side effect)
    ~ Slightly more Enhanced Colorgrading Effect (when turned on)
    ~ More balanced Overall Visuals

    * [OPTIMIZED]:
    - Improved/Realisticly Rendered Shadows.
    - LVLs 1-2 Framerates Stabilized (Optimized/Increased) Further.

    * [FIXED]:

    Version 1.31 ~ released 2/17/2008

    - NEW "Ultra-Realistic" Custom Time of Day file; developed by Ultima.
    - The "Beginner User" Config version are now removed due to comments instability, but:
    - The "Beginner User" Configs is now only ONE set included as a an extra, located in the "Goodies" folder.

    * [INCLUDING]:
    - The "Goodies" folder installed into your main Crysis directory now includes:
    ~ "Beginner User Config" (give descriptions of what certain lines do and these descriptions are in the .cfg itself.)
    ~ Cvar Charts by MADBORIS (in Excel spreadsheet & image format)
    - NEW Custom Time of Day file; developed by Ultima:
    ~ Unparalleled Realism and Playability to Crysis never seen before.
    ~ Improved Night Time via new subtle "grain" effect.
    ~ More and IMPROVED Screen-Space-Ambient-Occlusion (SSAO) Effect
    ~ Completely Eliminated Gun/Arm Glow (SSAO side effect)
    ~ Enhanced Colorgrading Effect (when turned on)
    ~ More balanced Overall Visuals

    * [OPTIMIZED]:
    - Improved/Realistic ULTRA-SHARP Shadows Algorithm (for EVEN SHARPER shadows than before!)
    - LVLs 1-2 Framerates Stabilized (Optimized/Increased) Further. 5-10 FPS increase with low-spec PCs.

    * [FIXED]:
    - Shadow Popping Bug
    - Vegetation Sprite Popping Bug
    - Per-Object MotionBlur LOD Glitch
    - Object/Building/Vegetation Quality Bug
    - Low Quality Distant Textures Glitch
    - Increased brightness in Relic Level, to counteract extreme darkness at Dusk.

    Version 1.3 ~ released 2/5/2008

    * Patch v1.1 compatible. Tested and configured to work together with Patch.
    * Increased Overall performance.10-15 FPS! (3-7 FPS Increase OVER 1.2 w/MORE Graphical Goodness)with NO loss in Image-Quality (w/Patch).
    * The Best Unparalleled FPS/Quality Ratio of ANY Custom Crysis Config to date.
    * LVLs 1-5 Framerates Stabilized (Optimized/Increased) Further.
    - NEW Specifically Detailed Config-LVL System Requirements.
    - NEW now in a convenient and easy-to-use professionally made installer made by Arch.
    - NEW Includes the CryConfig Tool by the talented programmer Arch.
    - NEW Custom Time of Day file; has been through 50 versions; developed by Ultima.
    - NEW Specific DX9 and DX10 versions.
    - NEW Now Config in BOTH supported Versions(system.cfg and autoexec.cfg) for ALL levels.
    - NEW Levels 1-5 containing Beginner and Advanced versions.
    ~ The Beginner versions give descriptions of what certain lines do and these descriptions are in the .cfg itself.
    ~ The Advanced versions simply exclude this text.

    - Improved/Realistic Ambient Occlusion Solution.
    - Improved/Realistic Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion Solution
    - Improved/Realistic High Dynamic Range Solution.
    - Improved/Realistic Eye Adaptation Solution.
    - Improved/Realistic ULTRA-SHARP Shadows Algorithm(with MORE Performance!)

    * [OPTIMIZED]:
    - Overall Performance in Water/Ocean (Physics Calculation) [+1-3.5 FPS].
    - Dynamic-Decal CPU Threading Performance during Combat Situations [+0.5-1 FPS].
    - Stabilized Performance During Combat Situations [+0.5-2 FPS].
    - Stabilized Custom/Realistic SSAO Solution [+1.5-4 FPS].
    - Metal Objects Shader Tweaked Further [+1-1.5 FPS].
    - Shadow-Map Shader Tweaked Further [+0.5-2 FPS].
    - Increased Texture-Filtering Quality with Zero FPS loss.
    - Reduced Texture-Thrashing Occurrences Significantly.
    - Significant Performance Increase in Heavily-Vegetated Areas [+1-3 FPS].

    * [FIXED]:
    - Over-Powering Extremely-Bright HDR.
    - HDR not rendering in LVLs 1 and 2.
    - Indoor Shadow-Map Glitches.
    - Outdoor Oscillating Shadow-Map Glitches.
    - NPC Flashlight Glitch.
    - Distant Boat-Trails Particles not rendering Glitch.
    - Boat-Trails have no clip (see-through) Bug.
    - Distant Nuke Particles not fully rendering in LVLs 1 & 2.
    - Floating Ground-Level Grass Textures Bug.
    - Flashing/Flickering Vegetation Bug.
    - "Orange Boxes" (wood objects) in/around red cars Bug. (w/Patch)

    Version 1.2 ~ released 22-11-2007

    - NEW 5-LeveL Config Structure.
    - NEW Custom HDR Solution.
    - NEW Custom SSAO Solution.
    - NEW "True" Very High Extras.
    * DX10 Color Grading Filter.
    * Battle Dust
    * Real 3-D Water Physic Calculation.
    * Extremely-Sharp Shadows Shader.

    - Physics Calculation of 3d-Water.
    - Particles Rendering CPU Threads.
    - Vegetation LODs further.
    - Water Shaders/Reflections and Physics.
    - Motion Blur.
    - Depth of Field.
    - Terrain-Level Textures.
    - Increased Water Reflections Update Rate Significantly

    * [IMPROVED]
    - CPu management of particles.
    - GPU management of Physics.
    - Detail Textures on Far-Away Cliff and Mountains.
    - Shadow-Map Quality Shader

    Config Authors : Cuban_Legend


    Thanks to:
    All the fans and supporters, this would be nothing wihtout you guys!

    Special Thanks to:
    MadBoris (cvar chart)
    Arch (Grade-A Program Installation coder)

  16. 5. September 2009
    AW: Abstürze bei Crysis trotz stabilem OC!?

    Na toll -.- Naja ist ja jetzt auch egal eigentlich ^^
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