CSS alle bots killen

Dieses Thema im Forum "Gamer Support" wurde erstellt von bl4ze, 7. Januar 2007 .

Status des Themas:
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  1. 7. Januar 2007
    hiu ich wollte mal fragen wie der befehel bei counter strike sources ist das man alles bts killed weil wenn ich mal allein zogge ahbe ich nciht immer lust wenn ich tot bin darauf zu warten das der rest tot ist kennt einer disen befehl??
  2. 7. Januar 2007
    AW: CSS alle bots killen

    gib in die console bot_kill ein .sollte eigl gehen

    Oder wenn du einen Bot mit dem Namen Harald zB kicke willst

    kick Harald in die console eingeben
  3. 7. Januar 2007
    AW: CSS alle bots killen

    du kannst auch sv_cheats 1 anschalten und dann endround oder sv_endround 1 eingeben
  4. 7. Januar 2007
    AW: CSS alle bots killen

    Google :tongue:
    Oder einfach hier!
    Und ich hab dir ma ne schöne Liste gemacht mit allen Bot befehlen, wenn du mehr brauchst, sag bescheid.

    "bot_about","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Displays information about the Counter-Strike bots"
    "bot_add","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Adds a bot to whichever team has fewer players"
    "bot_add_ct","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Adds a Counter-Terrorist bot"
    "bot_add_t","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Adds a Terrorist bot"
    "bot_all_weapons","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Allows the bots to use all weapons"
    "bot_allow_grenades","1 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_allow_machine_guns","1 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_allow_pistols","1 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_allow_rifles","1 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_allow_rogues","1 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_allow_shield","1 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_allow_shotguns","1 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_allow_snipers","1 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_allow_sub_machine_guns","1 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_auto_vacate","1 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_chatter","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_crouch","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL","CHEAT",,,,,,,,,,,,,,""
    "bot_debug","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_defer_to_human","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_difficulty","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_freeze","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL","CHEAT",,,,,,,,,,,,,,""
    "bot_goto_mark","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Sends a bot to the selected nav area (for editing nav meshes)"
    "bot_join_after_player","1 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_join_team","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_kick","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Kicks the specified bot, or all bots if no name is given"
    "bot_kill","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Kills the specified bot, or all bots if no name is given"
    "bot_knives_only","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Restricts the bots to only using knives"
    "bot_memory_usage","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Reports on the bots' memory usage"
    "bot_mimic","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL","CHEAT",,,,,,,,,,,,,,""
    "bot_mimic_yaw_offset","180 ",,,"GAMEDLL","CHEAT",,,,,,,,,,,,,,""
    "bot_pistols_only","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Restricts the bots to only using pistols"
    "bot_prefix","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_profile_db","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_quota","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_quota_match","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_show_nav","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_snipers_only","cmd",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Restricts the bots to only using sniper rifles"
    "bot_stop","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_traceview","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_walk","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
    "bot_zombie","0 ",,,"GAMEDLL",,,,,,,,"REPLICATED",,,,,,,""
  5. 7. Januar 2007
    AW: CSS alle bots killen

    hehe joa danke sind glaube ich genug bw habt ihr alle bis auf Bl@de er hat schonmal eine bekommen
  6. 7. Januar 2007
    AW: CSS alle bots killen

    wenns auf dem i-net server is dann musst noch rcon_ davor hängen is klar oda
    wollte nur iwas antworten für mein ego weißte
    gg fichte
  7. 7. Januar 2007
    AW: CSS alle bots killen

    rcon und Leerschlag
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