Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

Dieses Thema im Forum "Szene News" wurde erstellt von Tschonny, 25. Dezember 2009 .

  1. 27. Dezember 2009
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    Nun ja wie es in Boards halt ist du kannst nicht wissen ob derjenige der etwas von sich gibt weiß wovon er spricht oder ob er keine Ahnung davon hat bzw nur Halbwissen. Somit wird man im Netz auf den ganzen Seiten oder Foren immer widersprüchliche Angaben bekommen wie man hier im Thread auch sieht. Jeder wirft dem anderen Unwissen vor

    Eigentlich gar nicht weil ich wüßte keinen Lehrer der ein wenig Ahnung von der Materie hat. Somit wird er auf Fakten achten die für ihn plausibel erscheinen bzw greifbar sind. Ein Gerede über eine Scene die für ihn (also den Bewerter) nicht existiert könnte bei dem kleinsten Anzeichen von Widerspruch bewertungstechnisch kritisch werden.
  2. 27. Dezember 2009
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    Das Zauberwort heißt Quellen. In einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit muss man alles mit Quellen belegen können und daran kann sich auch ein unwissender Lehrer orientieren.
    Wer zuviel Eigenwissen verwendet oder etwas nicht an Quellen belegen kann, der muss mit Punktabzug rechnen.
  3. 4. Januar 2010
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    Szene-Report Dezember 2009 - Szene-News - xREL.v3 - Release & NFO Source #1

    hier steht auf viel über die scene crash kurs z..b

    hab mir ma des durchgelesen und meine das die viel ahnung haben und es auch zum thema gehört und du hast auch noch ne feste quelle
  4. 4. September 2010
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    Hallo wieder mal ^^

    Tut mir leid, dass ich diesen Thread wieder aus der Versenkung hole, aber habe eine Frage zum Thema:

    Hat jemand vielleicht einen Invite zum XRel Board für mich? Wäre nett wenn wer einen entbehren könnte. Dort scheint einiges rumzuliegen was für mich von Interesse wäre. Ich weiss nicht wie selten ein Invite dort ist, kann euch auch leider nicht allzuviel anbieten..

    P.S. Habe schon einiges geschrieben jetzt und bin auf gutem Weg^^
  5. 4. September 2010
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    was willste in nem board voller kiddis und pseudo scenler? die coments auf der main site zeugen doch schon von einigen
  6. 4. September 2010
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    Naja, hab zum beispiel gesehen, dass dort über die Rulez diskutiert wird, und die wären Praktisch um mal durchzulesen. Die Rulez lassen sich nämlich über die normale Suchfunktion nicht finden -.- also ich meine die NFO's dazu..

    Dachte ne Informationsquelle mehr wäre immer gut. Hast du denn ne bessere Alternative (wo ich auch eine Chance habe reinzukommen)?
  7. 4. September 2010
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 15. April 2017
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    Das hier sind die XviD Rules Engl. 2009:
    ³ ³
    ³ The federation of releasing groups presents ³
    ³ ³
    ³ The XviD Releasing Standards 2009 ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Requirements: Notepad with terminal font or any other ascii viewer. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ These rules take effect March 5, 2009 (2009-03-05) at 00:00 UTC. Thanks to ³
    ³ all groups who participated. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Movie Length: ³
    ³ - Allowed sizes are 175MB, 350MB and multiples of 1 CD (700MB). ³
    ³ - The following formula will guide you to get the appropriate size: ³
    ³ target-size = VIDEO-FPS * VIDEO-RUNTIME(in mins) * 0.28 ³
    ³ Use the target-size value to index the MAXIMUM allowed size, examples: ³
    ³ target-size = 25.000fps * 98min * 0.28 = 686, MAX size is 1 CD ³
    ³ target-size = 23.976fps * 49min * 0.28 = 329, MAX size is 1/2 CD ³
    ³ target-size = 18.000fps * 65min * 0.28 = 328, MAX size is 1/2 CD ³
    ³ VIDEO-RUNTIME is in minutes only, no fractions, and rounded up to the ³
    ³ next full minute, e.g. 104 min and 5 secs = put 105 min inside the ³
    ³ formula. The following table describes the MAXIMUM size allowed for ³
    ³ each runtime in minutes: ³
    ³ ³
    ³ FPS ³ 175MB ³ 350MB ³ 700MB ³ 1400MB ³ 2100MB ³
    ³ 23.976 ³ -26 ³ 26:01-52 ³ 52:01-104 ³ 104:01-208 ³ 208:01-312 ³
    ³ 25.000 ³ -25 ³ 25:01-50 ³ 50:01-100 ³ 100:01-200 ³ 200:01-300 ³
    ³ 29.970 ³ -20 ³ 20:01-41 ³ 41:01-83 ³ 83:01-166 ³ 166:01-250 ³
    ³ ³
    ³ - The above table indicates the MAXIMUM size allowed to encode at, but ³
    ³ it is ripper's discretion to use smaller values, e.g. 110 min PAL movie ³
    ³ can use AT MOST 1400MB but can also use lower sizes such as 700MB. ³
    ³ - If at the lowest resolution allowed and MP3 audio bitrate of 128 kbps ³
    ³ average I/P quant is above 4.5, releases may jump 1 size up (e.g. 2 CDs ³
    ³ may be used instead of 1). Such cases MUST provide proper proof and ³
    ³ explanation in the nfo. ³
    ³ - If the formula gives a value below 100MB, sizes smaller than 175MB are ³
    ³ allowed, at ripper's discretion. ³
    ³ - MAXIMUM CD media capacity value is 736966656 bytes = 719694 KB = 702 MB ³
    ³ - MINIMUM CD media capacity value is 723517440 bytes = 706560 KB = 690 MB ³
    ³ - When using multiple CD releases, releases MUST utilize the full ³
    ³ burnable media capacity for each CD used (each CD must conform to the ³
    ³ 690MB minimum). ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ TV Length: ³
    ³ - All Episodes <RETAIL rips> are obligated to follow these rules. ³
    ³ - Allowed sizes in MB are 175, 233, 350 and multiples of 700 (an extra ³
    ³ OPTIONAL size is 550MB, see below). ³
    ³ - Use the same target-size formula listed above to determine appropriate ³
    ³ sizing. Some examples are: ³
    ³ target-size = 25.000fps * 20min * 0.28 = 140, MAX size is 175 MB ³
    ³ target-size = 23.976fps * 60min * 0.28 = 403, MAX size is 700 MB ³
    ³ target-size = 29.970fps * 25min * 0.28 = 210, MAX size is 233 MB ³
    ³ * VIDEO-RUNTIME is in minutes only, no fractions, and rounded up to ³
    ³ the next full minute, e.g. 41 min and 5 secs = put 42 min inside the ³
    ³ formula. ³
    ³ - 550MB may be used at ripper's discretion when target-size is above ³
    ³ 260MB. ³
    ³ - If the formula gives a value below 100MB, sizes smaller than 175MB are ³
    ³ allowed, at ripper's discretion. It is also ripper's discretion to use ³
    ³ smaller sizes than those targeted by the formula for each specific ³
    ³ runtime and framerate (e.g. a release that should be 350MB according to ³
    ³ the formula may also be released at 233MB). ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ AUDIO: ³
    ³ - MUST be VBR MP3 or Studio AC3. ³
    ³ - ABR is considered a VBR technique. ³
    ³ - MUST be STEREO for STEREO sources, MONO for MONO sources ³
    ³ (Any audio track with identical channels is considered a MONO source). ³
    ³ - MP3 tracks must keep the original frequency as it was on the source's ³
    ³ audio: e.g. 48khz for 48khz and 44.1khz for 44.1khz. ³
    ³ - Mono or Dual Mono (1+1) AC3 is forbidden; use mono MP3. ³
    ³ - MP3 audio must be normalized. Stereo sources must use stereo or ³
    ³ joint-stereo encoding mode. Mono sources must use mono encoding mode; ³
    ³ dual-mono is forbidden. ³
    ³ - Encoding or re-encoding audio to AC3 is strictly forbidden, except in ³
    ³ in the case of HD retail source (see Source related notes). ³
    ³ - Use of AC3 is at the ripper's discretion, but should be used wisely. ³
    ³ Choice of AC3 or MP3 is not a technical flaw except as otherwise noted. ³
    ³ - Multi-language audio tracks are FORBIDDEN! (Use INTERNAL) ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ VIDEO: ³
    ³ - Keyframe: ³
    ³ MUST be <=20 seconds and MUST be inserted according to scene changes ³
    ³ and framesizes as determined by the codec or encoding application. ³
    ³ - Group watermarks of any kind on the video are forbidden. ³
    ³ - English retail releases may not contain foreign language text overlays ³
    ³ from localized versions. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Framerate: ³
    ³ - MUST be as close to original source framerate as possible. ³
    ³ - In some cases PAL movies need to be IVTC'd (e.g. to 24fps). Therefore ³
    ³ using a PAL source is not an excuse for lack of IVTC. ³
    ³ - Hybrid sources are left at ripper's discretion if to IVTC or not. ³
    ³ Ripper should mention and provide proof to any claim for ITVC or lack ³
    ³ thereof. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Codec: ³
    ³ - MUST BE XviD (all DivX codecs are banned). ³
    ³ - MUST use 2 pass technique during encoding. ³
    ³ - No dupes based on codec type, use INTERNAL! ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Resolution and Aspect Ratio: ³
    ³ - Width: 576 - 640 pixels for movies with an AR of 1.70-3.00 ³
    ³ 512 - 640 pixels for movies with an AR of 1.00-1.69 ³
    ³ - Width and Height must be multiples of 16. ³
    ³ - Cropping is required such that black borders are cropped to their ³
    ³ maximum. In the case that the video presents changing ARs, the video ³
    ³ must be cropped such that no frame is overcropped. ³
    ³ * Over- or undercropping by more than 1 pixel is considered a technical ³
    ³ flaw, although it is preferable to crop the 1 pixel out. ³
    ³ - Video encodes must be within 4% of the original aspect ratio. ³
    ³ Calculating AR % error: (Original AR - Release AR)/Original AR x 100 ³
    ³ - Non-retail video sources may not have the usual retail aspect ratio ³
    ³ due to different processing. All releases should be based on the actual ³
    ³ source AR, not on retail AR listed on IMDB or other sources. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Subtitles: ³
    ³ - OPTIONAL (ONLY if all other requirements have been met). ³
    ³ - Subtitles MUST be packed in a RAR file with the most compression ³
    ³ available. This RAR file shall be placed in a directory named 'Subs' ³
    ³ along with an SFV file containing standard checksum information for ³
    ³ that RAR. The subtitles must not be packaged in the main RARs for the ³
    ³ release and the RAR file containing the subtitles must not be listed in ³
    ³ main SFV for the release. ³
    ³ - Vobsub packs must have the .sub file packed with the MOST compression: ³
    ³ subs.rar = [ <avi-name>.idx + <avi-name>.rar = (<avi-name>.sub) ] ³
    ³ - Burned subtitles are only permissible when present in the source. If ³
    ³ the subtitles overlay both active video and matting (black bars), ³
    ³ cropping to the bottom of the subtitles is permissible, and an equal ³
    ³ amount of matting shall be left at the top. If the burned subtitles ³
    ³ overlay only matting, they must be OCR'ed and cropped out. ³
    ³ - English subs on non-English releases MUST fit in the standard size ³
    ³ with the rest of the release. All other subs are considered optional ³
    ³ and are not required to fit in the standard release size. ³
    ³ - English subs on non-English releases must be synced with the video. ³
    ³ - Foreign releases (non-English spoken) lacking English subtitles MUST be ³
    ³ tagged with the spoken language. Releases with English subtitles MUST ³
    ³ NOT be tagged with the spoken language. A release containing English ³
    ³ subtitles after a foreign-tagged release is not considered a dupe, ³
    ³ regardless of whether or not the foreign-tagged release has English ³
    ³ subs. ³
    ³ - Subtitles on multiple-CD releases must be split. Inclusion of non-split ³
    ³ subtitles in addition to the split subtitles is encouraged. ³
    ³ - Custom subtitles are not allowed on retail sources. They may be used ³
    ³ only with non-retail sources. Propers for incorrect or missing dialogue ³
    ³ on custom subtitles are not allowed; release a subpack! ³
    ³ - Multi-language subtitles cannot be used as a basis for a dupe. ³
    ³ - English subbed (with original spoken language) may follow a dubbed ³
    ³ release (in any language); use SUBBED tag. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Packaging: ³
    ³ - All releases MUST be AVI. ³
    ³ - Must be packed with RAR and broken into 15 or 20 MB volumes. ³
    ³ Each AVI for a multiple-CD release must be packaged into separate RAR ³
    ³ volumes. ³
    ³ - Filenames (even subpack rar file) MUST be unique (to avoid dupe). ³
    ³ - Compression is not allowed. ³
    ³ - Recovery and MD5 record are recommended. ³
    ³ - Must have an SFV included for each CD. ³
    ³ - Must have an NFO. ³
    ³ Group name ³
    ³ Title ³
    ³ Actual XviD release date ³
    ³ DVD release date ³
    ³ Theatrical release date (US preferably) ³
    ³ Video size ³
    ³ Resolution / Aspect Ratio ³
    ³ Audio codec / Audio bitrate ³
    ³ Video bitrate ³
    ³ Movie runtime ³
    ³ IMDB / Amazon / Any other DVD site info link ³
    ³ Number of rars per CD (e.g. 50x15MB) ³
    ³ XviD build ³
    ³ Packed Bitstream ³
    ³ Maximum consecutive B-frames ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Credits: ³
    ³ - Credits may be encoded at a lower bitrate unless they contain scenes ³
    ³ like bloopers or continuation of story. ³
    ³ - Cutting credits on RETAIL sources is not allowed. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Samples: ³
    ³ - Sample is required and must have a unique name for each release. ³
    ³ - 1 full minute in length and in a separate folder marked as 'Sample'. ³
    ³ - MUST be taken from the video, NOT encoded separately. ³
    ³ - Source samples are recommended for any rip that is deemed questionable: ³
    ³ no IVTC possible on source, IVTC to 24.975fps, etc. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Propers: ³
    ³ - Propers are only permitted in the case of a technical flaw in the ³
    ³ original release (e.g. bad.ivtc, interlacing, oversized). ³
    ³ - Propers MUST include a note in the NFO file detailing the reason. ³
    ³ - Releases not nuked on release lists and/or sites MUST include ³
    ³ original sample of the technical flaw in the release sample dir. ³
    ³ - Qualitative propers are not allowed, nor are propers based on ³
    ³ decisions made by a ripper (e.g. AC3 or MP3). ³
    ³ - Propering a release done under a previous ruleset timeline is allowed ³
    ³ if it has a technical flaw, such as, bad.ivtc, over.cropping. ³
    ³ Other propers acceptable are propers based on releases that did not ³
    ³ follow previous guidelines at the time they were pred. ³
    ³ - Releases containing hardcoded subs may be propered by non-hardsubbed ³
    ³ video. Original release SHALL NOT be nuked. ³
    ³ - Propering a release when a working fix is released is not allowed. ³
    ³ - Sizefixes are not allowed. ³
    ³ - Propers based upon the compliance with new instances of TXD2K9 are ³
    ³ allowed only for releases after 2009-03-05. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ WS vs. FS: ³
    ³ - WS or FS name tags on the release name are allowed. ³
    ³ - A WS release after an FS release (and vice versa) requires proof that ³
    ³ the new release contains more picture area than the original release ³
    ³ (provide sample from the original release or JPG screenshot of the same ³
    ³ frame in both releases showing additional area). A release not ³
    ³ documenting additional picture area is considered a DUPE. ³
    ³ - Wider wide screen where more of the original source is visible is valid ³
    ³ & not considered a dupe but should be tagged as WS not PROPER. Original ³
    ³ release should not be nuked. Provide proof as listed above. ³
    ³ - Letterboxed DVDs are not considered FS even if the aspect ratio flagged ³
    ³ on the disc is 4:3; only active picture area should be considered. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Special Movie Editions: ³
    ³ SE (or any other special edition, e.g. AE). ³
    ³ - Special Edition releases with same time length as previous released ³
    ³ versions of the movie shall be considered dupes. ³
    ³ - Shorter cut version of a movie after a longer version was released is ³
    ³ allowed (e.g. THEATRICAL), and MUST be mentioned in the dirname. ³
    ³ - Remastered movies after the original have been released are allowed ³
    ³ only if one of the releases is BLACK AND WHITE and the other is colour. ³
    ³ Everything else use INTERNAL! (Remastered DVD releases that were nuked ³
    ³ in the past and were colour after black&white and vice versa, shall not ³
    ³ be unnuked and shall not be duped!) ³
    ³ - Extras released in a special movie edition can not be used as a basis ³
    ³ for a dupe, unless released separately (and are not dupes of previous ³
    ³ releases). ³
    ³ - Homemade rips are not allowed (Use INTERNAL!). ³
    ³ - NOTE: PAL - NTSC length difference comes from the no. of frames per ³
    ³ second and not extra footage. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Directory and File Naming: ³
    ³ - All releases need to include production year. ³
    ³ - DO NOT indicate ripping method, DVD/XviD release date, genre, audio ³
    ³ which was used (no AC3) or anything else! (ONLY WITHIN THE NFO) ³
    ³ - Movie distribution tags e.g. FESTIVAL, STV, LIMITED or TV (TV tag ³
    ³ is used for TV movies only) are allowed and shall be used wisely and ³
    ³ correctly. ³
    ³ - READ.NFO tag is allowed, but shall not be abused. ³
    ³ - Other permitted tags are: WS/FS (rules above), PROPER, REPACK, RERIP, ³
    ³ * Use RERIP for ripping issues and REPACK for packing issues. ³
    ³ * RERIPs/REPACKs must use different file names from previous release. ³
    ³ - Acceptable characters in naming a directory include (NO spaces or ³
    ³ double dots - single dots or underscores ONLY): ³
    ³ ³
    ³ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ³
    ³ 0123456789.-_ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ - Releases that are more than 1 CD MUST be named CD1, CD2, CD3 and so ³
    ³ on ('disc1' and others are NOT allowed). ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Source related notes: ³
    ³ - HD retail may be used as source only if no DVDRip has already been ³
    ³ released (and vice versa). Such releases must be tagged accordingly ³
    ³ (e.g. BDRip, HDDVDRip). ³
    ³ - When using AC3 on a rip from HD retail source, re-encoding DTS, LPCM, ³
    ³ TrueHD, DTS-HD and 640kbit/s AC3 to 448kbit/s AC3 is mandatory. ³
    ³ - Re-encoding material of any transcoded source is strictly forbidden! ³
    ³ - HD retail rip released after 1080p/720p needs source proof (a raw m2ts ³
    ³ sample including all audio/subtitles tracks) in sample dir. ³
    ³ - R5 is not considered retail. ³
    ³ - Non-studio audio must be tagged accordingly, e.g. LINE audio. ³
    ³ * Releases provided with studio audio do not dupe releases with non- ³
    ³ studio audio. The reverse does not apply! ³
    ³ - The use of sources like CAM, TS, TC, Workprint, SCREENER, Laserdisc ³
    ³ etc. MUST be tagged with source in the dirname and must adhere to ALL ³
    ³ TXD2K9 rules! ³
    ³ - DVD Screeners shall be clearly marked in the directory name and the ³
    ³ nfo shall contain presence of studio watermarking, black&white scenes ³
    ³ and counters or lack thereof. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Internals: ³
    ³ - INTERNALS should follow all TXD2K9 rules and are exempt from the time ³
    ³ length rules. ³
    ³ - Multi-language audio tracks are allowed. Multiple languages should be ³
    ³ interleaved into the AVI, with a graphedit filter for each appropriate ³
    ³ audio stream. ³
    ³ - Other codecs and containers are allowed for experimental purposes. ³
    ³ - INTERNAL dirfix should not be used as a basis of avoiding a nuke. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ Ripping related notes: ³
    ³ - MAXIMUM bitrate must not exceed 4854 for more than a second and must ³
    ³ not exceed 8000 kbps ever. DivX Home Theatre and MTK (not 6000) ³
    ³ profiles follow these guidelines. ³
    ³ - Quantizer matrix MUST be H.263 or MPEG. Custom matrices are forbidden ³
    ³ due to lack of standalone support. ³
    ³ - Pixel shape MUST be square. ³
    ³ - Quarterpixel/GMC are forbidden due to lack of hardware support. ³
    ³ - The use of ITU-R (Gknot function) is not recommended. ³
    ³ ³
    ³ The Tradition Continues: TXD RULES 2K9 (2009-03-05) ³
    ³ TXD2K5 (2005-09-25) 2K2 (2002-07-12) 2K1 (2001-04-22) Original (2000-04-26) ³
    ³ À--------[ GROUPS ]--------Ù ³
    ³ TXD2K9 signed by the following XviD Groups: ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
    ³ FLAiR WRD AFO SSB TheWretched LAJ KiNOBOX WiRA BiEN nicht heteroGAY RUBY ³
    ³ ³
    ³ ³
     À----[ Edited by tcj 2009. Respect goes to all TDX teams 2000-2009 ]----Ù

    DSTVR.v3.0.Deutsche.Serien.und.TV.Rules.2009-ALLSiGNEDGRPS - NFO-Datei - xREL.v3 - Release & NFO Source #1

    German.Retail.XviD.Rules.2010-ALLSiGNEDGROUPS - NFO-Datei - xREL.v3 - Release & NFO Source #1

    Zeroday.Scene.Rules.v2010-RULES - RR:Board
    ... wow und das ohne user acc dort
  8. 4. September 2010
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    Danke für die Englischen. Die anderen hab ich schon länger auf XRel gefunden. Dachte nur es gäbe mehr dort. War eben auf der Suche nach denen die ich noch nicht hatte. Hier findet man viele, dachte nur es könnte noch mehr haben.
    Thx auf jeden fall.
  9. 4. September 2010
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    soviele gibts auch ned

    iso game/apps
    0day apps/ripz/kleinkram
    movies xvid
    und die consolen
  10. 4. September 2010
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    Natürlich, aber halt von der Internationalen Szene find ich die NFO's fast noch interessanter. Gibts z.B. Rulez von den grossen Gamegruppen wie Razor1911/Reloaded usw. Oder von grossen Softwaregruppen wie BiE usw. ?

    Alles was ich gefunden habe (ausser deiner XViD-Rulez) ist D-Scene
  11. 4. September 2010
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    alle rules sind von der rls scene, und rulez gab es schon vor reloaded und razor

    iso &bull; View topic - Standard ISO Scene Rules
  12. 4. September 2010
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    Ähm wie muss ich das jetzt genau verstehen? Ich weiss schon, dass die Rules von der RLS-Szene kommen, also meistens werden die von einer Group geschrieben und die anderen unterschreiben die. So weit so gut. Ich wollte nur wissen ob du vielleicht die Rules der Englischen/Internationalen Game/Apps Szene irgendwo hast oder so.
    Die Release-Groups waren nur ein Beispiel zum Verständnis. Wäre noch cool zu wissen was alles Proper-Gründe usw. sind, darum interessiert mich das im speziellen.
  13. 4. September 2010
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    mein post über dir sind die englishen

    rulez schreibt meistens eine group, dann wird drüber diskutiert und gegebenfalls abgesegnet
  14. 4. September 2010
    AW: Experte in Sachen Internetpiraterie (Warez) gesucht.

    Aaaarghhh.... *mich in grund und boden schäm*
    Hab den Link überlesen
    1000x Danke hast mir echt geholfen
  15. Video Script

    Videos zum Themenbereich

    * gefundene Videos auf YouTube, anhand der Überschrift.