Hilfe bei Batch datei für True Crypt

Dieses Thema im Forum "Windows" wurde erstellt von sebele, 22. Januar 2008 .

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  1. 22. Januar 2008
    Hey RRler

    hab mir true crypt drauf gemacht und meine Festplatte verschlüsselt.
    hab mir dann ne batch datei erstellt damit der alles automatisch bei systemstart macht und ich nur noch pw eingeben muss.

    Hier der Inhalt der batch datei

    "C:\Programme\Truecrypt\TrueCrypt.exe /lt /q /a /c n /m rm /v Daten.tc"

    so jetzt zu meiner frage

    wenn der das jetzt mountet zeigt der mir das immer als Wechseldatenträger an.
    Kann mir jemand sagen was ich ändern muss damit das als normale festplatte angezeigt wird?

    danke schonmla im voraus

    mfg sebele
  2. 22. Januar 2008
    AW: Hilfe bei Batch datei für True Crypt

    Passt wohl besser in ne Software-Section.



  3. 22. Januar 2008
    AW: Hilfe bei Batch datei für True Crypt

    Mach des
    /m rm
    weg und dann sollte es gehen.

    Edit: Ein kurzer blick in die Hilfe (F1) hätte schon geholfen. Unter Command Line Usage findeste n paar mehr Einstellmöglichkeiten.

    Edit 2:
    Ein Auszug der Hilfe. Das bisschen englisch sollte man doch verstehen.
    /help or /? Display command line help.
    /volume or /v File and path name of a TrueCrypt volume to mount (do not use when
    dismounting). To mount a hard disk partition, use, for example, /v
    \Device\Harddisk1\Partition3 (to determine the path to a
    partition, run TrueCrypt and click Select Device). Note that device paths
    are case-sensitive.

    /letter or /l
    Driver letter to mount the volume as. When /l is omitted and when /a is

    used, the first free drive letter is used.

    /explore or /e Open an Explorer window after a volume has been mounted.

    /beep or /b Beep after a volume has been successfully mounted or dismounted.
    /auto or /a
    If no parameter is specified, automatically mount the volume. If devices
    is specified as the parameter (e.g., /a devices), auto-mount all
    currently accessible device/partition-hosted TrueCrypt volumes. If
    favorites is specified as the parameter, auto-mount favorite volumes.
    Note that /auto is implicit if /quit and /volume are specified.

    /dismount or /d
    Dismount volume specified by drive letter (e.g., /d x). When no drive
    letter is specified, dismounts all currently mounted TrueCrypt volumes.

    /force or /f Forces dismount (if the volume to be dismounted contains files being used
    by the system or an application) and forces mounting in shared mode (i.e.,
    without exclusive access).

    /keyfile or /k Specifies a keyfile or a keyfile search path. For multiple keyfiles, specify
    e.g.: /k c:\keyfile1.dat /k d:\KeyfileFolder /k c:\kf2

    /cache or /c
    y or no parameter: enable password cache; n: disable password cache
    (e.g., /c n). Note that turning the password cache off will not clear it (use
    /w to clear the password cache).

    /history or /h
    y or no parameter: enables saving history of mounted volumes;
    disables saving history of mounted volumes (e.g., /h n).

    /wipecache or /w Wipes any passwords cached in the driver memory.

    TrueCrypt User’s Guide. Copyright © 2003-2007 TrueCrypt Foundation. All rights reserved.


    /password or /p The volume password. If the password contains spaces, it must be
    enclosed in quotation marks (e.g., /p ”My Password”). Use /p ”” to
    specify an empty password. Warning: This method of entering a volume
    password may be insecure, for example, when an unencrypted command
    prompt history log is being saved to unencrypted disk.

    /quit or /q Automatically perform requested actions and exit (main TrueCrypt window
    will not be displayed). If preferences is specified as the parameter (e.g.,
    /q preferences), then program settings are loaded/saved and they
    override settings specified on the command line.
    /q background launches the TrueCrypt Background Task (tray icon).
    Note that /q has no effect if the container is accessible only in local user
    name space (TrueCrypt will exit only after the volume is dismounted), e.g.,
    a network volume.

    /silent or /s
    If /q is specified, suppresses interaction with the user (prompts, error
    messages, warnings, etc.)

    /mountoption or /m
    ro or readonly: Mount volume as read-only.

    rm or removable: Mount volume as removable medium.

    ts or timestamp: Do not preserve container timestamps

    persistent: Do not display the volume in the GUI and prevent auto-
    dismount. ‘Dismount All’ will not dismount the volume either. The volume
    can be dismounted only individually via command line. Note that this
    option works only if specified along with /q.

    system: Equal to persistent but in addition allows Windows paging
    files to be stored on the volume. Note that this option works only if
    specified along with /q.

    Example: /m ro. To specify multiple mount options, use e.g.: /m rm /m
  4. 23. Januar 2008
    AW: Hilfe bei Batch datei für True Crypt

    Okay danke. das hät ich wirklich selber hinbekommen.

    bw haste

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