Lyrics von "The Teenagers"

Dieses Thema im Forum "Musik & Musiker" wurde erstellt von Mrs. Pickwicks, 19. April 2009 .

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  1. 19. April 2009
    Hi zusammen,
    suche schon länger nach den Lyrics des Songs "bound and gagged" von The Teenagers, werde aber leider nirgends fündig.
    Wäre super wenn die jemand hat, Bw gibts natürlich für jeden hilfreichen Tipp.

  2. 22. April 2009
    AW: Lyrics von "The Teenagers"

  3. 22. April 2009
    AW: Lyrics von "The Teenagers"

    Habe den Thread schon vorher gesehen. ^^
    Habe das Web durchforstet, es über google versucht und mehrere Lyrics Seiten durchsucht:
    Leider ohne Ergebnis
    Allerdings habe ich auf mehreren Sites gesehen dass die Lyrics bald kommen sollen. ^^
    Habe auch versucht den Sänger zu verstehen und dir die Lyrics hier zu posten, allerdings ohne Erfolg (der spricht irgendwie undeutlich )
    Tut mir Leid dass ich nicht helfen kann.

  4. 22. April 2009
    AW: Lyrics von "The Teenagers"

    I swear I've seen some critical things
    That will blow my mind to smithereens
    And I swear I'll go to the ends of the earth
    I'll never ever ever gonna forget her
    I know I've been accused of distancing myself
    Assigning away and letting her fall down flat on the ground
    Sally was different
    She was the one
    The one i could have loved

    Flat on your back
    And then you're bound and gagged
    Then you're bound and gagged
    You're bound and gagged
    Bound and gagged, and you're bound and gagged
    legs unshaved, and you're rotten ----
    Bound and gagged, and you're bound and gagged
    Passing, is never lasting, I'm passing hours, everything
    Bound and gagged, and you're bound and gagged
    crushed and burned, and I broke it in her
    Bound and gagged, and I'm choking trying to
    No no needa, no no needa, no no, never did get her.

    Sally said to me she would stay in the car
    She promised me never to go to far
    When I arrived there was no sight
    had no choice, but, but to drive
    Little did I know, she was there all along
    Silently a blissfully, lying in my trunk
    She'd be tied off from head to her toe
    Listen officer, it was not my fault

    Flat on your back
    And then you're bound and gagged
    Then you're bound and gagged
    You're bound and gagged
    Bound and gagged, and you're bound and gagged
    Legs unshaved, and you're rotten -----
    Bound and gagged, and you're bound and gagged
    Passing, is never lasting, I'm passing hours, everything
    Bound and gagged, and you're bound and gagged
    Crushed and burned, as she broke it in her
    Bound and gagged, and she's choking and trying to
    No no needa, No no needa, no no, now she cant come here

    Please stay close, come some way
    Give me a chance, just to clear my name
    No, I'll hear you if you just speak out
    I know I'll be there if you just reach out
    Now that you're gone, I got no excuse
    the police, if I pay for that abuse
    What about now? Pain of existence
    Don't tell me, that its your Italian system

    Bound and gagged, and you're bound and gagged
    Now here's a quiet time and ------
    Bound and gagged, and you're bound and gagged
    Now here's a quiet time
    Bound and gagged, and you're bound and gagged
    Now I can't tie you, a round and round
    it wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault
    give me a chance, give me a chance
    bound and gagged, and you're bound and gagged

    The Teenagers - Bound And Gagged Lyrics | SongMeanings
  5. 23. April 2009
    AW: Lyrics von "The Teenagers"

    Vielen Dank euch beiden! :]
    Bw gehen sofort raus.
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