
Dieses Thema im Forum "Musik & Musiker" wurde erstellt von GenesisEX, 24. Oktober 2007 .

  1. 24. Oktober 2007
    Hey all,
    habe mal gehört das es eine bestimmte technik gibt wie man schreit ohne das es weh tut und die stimme sehr schädigt. Also es gibt ein falsches und richtiges schreien...hat einer vllt. sowas wie ne anleitung oder so xDD

    Wäre cool ^^
  2. 24. Oktober 2007
    AW: Metal..schreie?

    LoL, selbst eine Anleitung denk ich gibt es nicht...
    Ist bestimmt wie mit dem Singen, du kannst es üben, aber nie erlernen!
  3. 24. Oktober 2007
    AW: Metal..schreie?

    Em ich kanns nicht ohne vorgabe üben...da würde ich mir ja die stimmbänder kaputtschreien bevor ich einen vernünftigen hinbekomme xD
  4. 25. Oktober 2007
    AW: Metal..schreie?

    Hi, kann es sein das du die Halschmerzen und die Heißerkeit meinst, die nach über anstrengungen der Stimmbänder kommen. Wenn ja da solltest du dich auf das belasten deiner Stimmbänder vorbereiten um sie darauf vor zu bereiten. Z.B. gurgeln oder sowas irgendwas was die stimmbänder lockert.
  5. 25. Oktober 2007
    AW: Metal..schreie?

    also ich kenne das problem, bin selber sänger einer band und shoute ebenfalls sehr viel, aber man kommt wohl nicht ohne einen richtigen gesangslehrer/trainer oder wenigstens einem der ahnung davon hat aus

    gerade technik ist so ziemlich alles ist um einen vernünftigen gesang hinzubekommen, ich merke es selber das es mal so, mal so ist, einmal funktioniert das shouten gut, ohne irgendwelche nachfolgenden probleme und manchmal haut es einem einfach die stimme weg, wenn man natürlich regelmässig mit der falschen technik shoutet, geht zwar nach ner zeit und ist nicht mehr so unangenehm aber auf dauer macht man sich damit die stimme kaputt ...

    da ich leider auch keine richtige technik hab, werde ich mit der zeit auch nicht drumrum kommen solche eine person aufzusuchen

    aber noch einen tipp den ich am anfang auch nicht geglaubt hab ... als sänger einfach immer äpfel fressen gerade nach proben usw., es hilft wirklich, weiss nicht wieso aber es beugt der heiserkeit und den halsschmerzen vor ... irgendwie
  6. 25. Oktober 2007
    AW: Metal..schreie?

    hier hab den guide mal in nem englischen forum gepostet sollte man aber eigl verstehen:
    How to Scream for Metal/hardcore/screamo

    How to properly: stress your vocal chords without hurting yourself and sounding good.

    1. Decide whether you will have a low, mid, or a high scream. This is NOT decided by your regular speaking voice. if you have a low voice, for example, your scream will be louder, and more powerful. If you have a higher voice, your scream will be quiter, and not as powerful. Listen to different bands and find a scream which you believe is in your scream range.
    2. Learning to scream safely can take approximately a year, and for the first many months, often times, it simply sounds bad. Don't give up. It will come out eventually, and after a lot of practice.
    3. There are both mental and physical aspects to screaming. First, the warm- ups.
    4. Go up and down a simple 5-note scale, the same old boring 5-note scale used in just about every choir as a warm- up, but do it on 'ga.' Make sure that you do it from all parts of your throat, it will make different sounds when you switch parts. This is more of a mental warm-up. It trains your body to accept the potentially harmful feeling on the vocal chords while making a raw sound.
    5. Next, sing the sounds of the vowels-- Eh, Ee, Ah, Oh, Oo --on that same 5-note scale, except every time you pass by, try putting a little raspiness on one of the vowels. Try pulling the sound up the back of the throat and through the nostrils, making it a more nasally sound. THIS TRICK WILL SAVE YOUR VOCAL CHORDS. At first this exercise will make you sound like you're in pain, and you just might be, if you don't do it correctly.
    6. Now, the mental aspect, which is VERY important. You must pour your heart and soul into a song just like you pour your body (vocal chords) into it or else it won't sound sincere. It's an attitude thing, it makes 100% of a difference if you mean what you're singing and put emotion into it. This also helps with using your diaphragm, since you will most likely use it to emphasize mostly everything already.
    7. You may have some jaw-cramping even if you are not experienced with screaming/growling. DO NOT continue a scream if you get a cramp! You won't be able to scream/sing/growl for weeks afterwards.


    * Practice screaming into a pillow. this makes it much easier for beginners.
    * Once you have decided what pitch you are going for take a deep breath. Push the air out of your lungs and let the air dance off your throat. For some it helps to tighten the throat. Don't do this too tight, though; you may harm your vocal chords.
    * Scream from your diaphragm. This is very similar to singing. Make sure the air and voice you are using is coming from your chest and not your head. The first way you will be able to tell if you are screaming from your head is if the pitch isn't similar to your speaking voice. The second way is if your chest doesn't recede when you are pushing the air.
    * Take a deep breath whenever possible, in between screams. You don't want to hurt yourself and you also don't want the scream to sound forced [i.e. cracking and losing pitch].
    * Scream alone for a while, it can be embarrassing to scream around others who already know how to scream. Once you are ready show them your scream and let them honestly critique it.
    * DO NOT scream each scream with all of your air. Moderation is the key, if you use everything you have, it'll hurt very badly and not sound good at all.
    * Scream along with music, especially songs in which screaming is already taking place.
    * Scream along with music that has no screaming and see how it sounds. You will have your own personal sounding scream that no one else in the world has.
    * Drink lots of water before, during, and after screaming.
    * To avoid some harm to the vocal chords, add a slight 'yeh' sound before each dangerous inner-word vowel. So, 'attack' would sound like 'attyack,' etc.
    * To avoid some more harm to the vocal chords, scream nasally. Imagine that the sound is going up and out of your nose. This helps with both health and sound.
    * IF YOU WANT TO SOUND NORMAL! If you find that you have trouble with raspiness in your voice while you're trying to perform in choir or a musical, sing from your upper back and make sure that you sing 'from your eyes.' If this explanation makes no sense, try envisioning it and feeling it. It should work. Also, try singing more nasally and not so deep in the vocal chords. This will also make you project more and (while it might not make a perfect sound) it'll make you louder. If none of this works, drink a lot of water, and perhaps try changing voice parts. If you scream in the tenor range, try singing baritone, and vice- versa, etc. There's also the option of a vocal rest. Don't scream for a while, don't sing. Talk, whisper and hum for a while and your voice should come back eventually. If nothing works, there are vocal surgeries that are very expensive and painful, but it'll get the job done.
    * Skill in death metal singing can be a great jumpstart for learning to scream, especially for metal screaming.


    * Make sure your voice doesn't hurt too bad after you scream. This means that you are stressing your vocal chords too much. Loosen up and let it out.
    * Also, be prepared to have a hard time singing correctly again. The raspiness will most likely be permanently engraved into your vocal chords and, while you will be able to scream safely, it will rule out any pretty choir or musical that you want to be in. Of course, there are other tips to overcome this listed in the Tips section.
  7. 25. Oktober 2007
    AW: Metal..schreie?

    Hab zwar keine Anleitung in dem Sinne, aber ich hab auf ner Metal Hammer DVD nen Interview gesehen mit George Fisher (Cannibal Corpse). Der meinte dass man auf jeden Fall den Bauch mit benutzen muss und vorallem das Zwerchfell, da man sonst es nicht schafffen kann annähernd ein Konzert zu spielen.

    Vllt hilft dir das ja weiter
  8. 25. Oktober 2007
    AW: Metal..schreie?

    thx bwt. sind raus

    Werde mal gucken was sich amchen lässt =D


  9. 25. Oktober 2007
    AW: Metal..schreie?

    noch nen kleiner tipp habe auch mal gehört gesangsunterricht soll helfen z.b. die atemtechnik zu lernen usw so "schwul" das auch klingen mag aber ich kenne einige metal shouter die ne gesangsausbildung haben *g*
  10. 26. Oktober 2007
    AW: Metal..schreie?

    Es ist zwingend notwendig die Kraft aus dem bauch /Zwerchfell zu holen und nicht "auf hals"zu singen.Diese Technik sollte am besten von einem Gesangslehrer vermittelt werden da einmal falsch erlernt man dieses immmer wieder falsch macht - und einmal Stimme ruiniert ist nie wieder zu richten Schäden an den Stimmbändern sind irrreparabel!
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