[PC] CSS-Lan-Version + Mani Admin Plugin

Dieses Thema im Forum "Gamer Support" wurde erstellt von kochpat, 30. September 2007 .

  1. 30. September 2007
    CSS-Lan-Version + Mani Admin Plugin

    hallo RR community,

    ich habe mir das Mani_Admin_Plugin für Counter-Strike Source runtergeladen.

    Ich möchte es für einen LAN-Server verwenden. Den Server übernimmt in diesem Fall mein PC.
    Ich habe soweit der Anleitung der Herstellerseite gefolgt, allerdings hat es nicht geklappt.

    First of all, download Mani Admin Plugin from Mani Admin Plugin.com.
    Extract it on your local computer via some package tool anywhere on your harddrive. Now you should have 4 folders:
    If you want to use Mani Admin Plugin as a VSP (Valve Server Plugin) and not via SourceMetaMOD , open the file CreateVDF.exe located in your \addons and click on it, then select your Game Type, after that hit "Save VDF" and save it. If you're using Linux and can't use the .exe, create a new file called mani_admin_plugin.vdf, open it with notepad and paste the following into it (for Cs:S only!):
     "file" "../cstrike/addons/mani_admin_plugin"
    Now you should have a file called mani_admin_plugin.vdf placed in your addons folder.
    Now it's depending on your type of server where to install/upload the files to:
    If you want to use Mani for a Listenserver
    (a server created ingame via the "Create Game" menu point) copy this 4 folders to
    - Installpath\SteamApps\accountname\path of your mod\yourmod
    If you want to use Mani for a dedicated Server hosted at home
    copy this 4 folders to
    - Installpath\SteamApps\accountname\source dedicated server\yourmod
    If you want to use Mani for a dedicated rented server
    upload this 4 folders via an FTP File Client Tool into the root folder of you mod
    Notice that if you're planing to use custom skins on your server, you've to download the skins folders as well, as they aren't provided within the download of Mani Admin Plugin anymore.
    Now you're nearly done, open your mani_server.cfg and adjust it for your wishes. Afterwards, you need to install your admins and add exec mani_server.cfg into your server.cfg .
    After doing all this, restart your server, Mani Admin Plugin should now be working on your server.
    Wenn ich dann CS:S starte kommt ein Runtime Error . . .

    Trotz penibler Einhaltung an die Anleitung funktioniert es bei mir nicht.
    Hat vielleicht jemand von euch Erfahrung damit?

  2. 30. September 2007
    AW: CSS-Lan-Version + Mani Admin Plugin

    Du hast schon das originale CS:S? Komplett geupdatet? Und willst Mani-Admin-Plugin bei dem Server, wenn du "Spiel erstellen" machst, haben?

    Eine Möglichkeit gibt es, dass Problem hatte ich nämlich auch. Ich nehme an du hast Windows und die MAP-Version 1.2R, dass geht nämlich nicht. Das ist die Linux Version. Für Windows brauchst du 1.2O.
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