[Photoshop] Create an Atom in Photoshop CS

Dieses Thema im Forum "Grafik & Foto Tutorials" wurde erstellt von MMX, 15. Januar 2007 .

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  1. 15. Januar 2007
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 15. April 2017
    Create an Atom in Photoshop CS

    Hab mal ein bisschen in google rumgesurft und habe dieses Tut gefunden
    Ist aber auf englisch

    1. Create a New Document 400x400px and apply gradient to diagonal from left with color #FE0000 to right with color ##8E0000:

    {img-src: //www.adobetutorialz.com/content_images/AdobePhotoshop/SpecialEffects/atom/1.jpg}

    2. Go to the Filters>Render>Lighting Effects and make 3 light sources:

    {img-src: //www.adobetutorialz.com/content_images/AdobePhotoshop/SpecialEffects/atom/2.jpg}


    {img-src: //www.adobetutorialz.com/content_images/AdobePhotoshop/SpecialEffects/atom/3.jpg}

    3. Apply Fliters > Pixelate > Crystalize:

    {img-src: //www.adobetutorialz.com/content_images/AdobePhotoshop/SpecialEffects/atom/4.jpg}

    4. Use Smudge Tool with radius brush - 17, Strength - 60% and smudge the edges:

    {img-src: //www.adobetutorialz.com/content_images/AdobePhotoshop/SpecialEffects/atom/5.jpg}

    5. Draw a rings using Circle Thin Frame from Custom Shape Tool and apply blending mode Soft Light for layers with ring:



    6. You can experiment more and more I duplicate layers with rings and apply Gaussian Blur with Radius - 2px, try to playing with Smudge Tool. My final result:

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