[PHP] PHPLive Installation

Dieses Thema im Forum "Webentwicklung" wurde erstellt von Sletjam, 9. Januar 2008 .

  1. 9. Januar 2008
    PHPLive Installation

    Hallo Leute, ich habe nun das PHPLive System erworben. Den Ordner "web" erstellt und die nötigen Rechte verteilt. Die Installation klappt bis zur Datenbank. Ich gebe die Datenbank Daten ein und dann kommt diese Fehlermeldung:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /web/setup/index.php on line 173

    Die Datenbankdaten Stimmen und localhost ist auch eingetragen. Ich kann mich über PHPmyAdmin auch ohne Probleme in die mySQL Datenbank einloggen.

    Das ist die /setup/index.php Datei:

     //include_once("../API/Util_Error.php") ;
     // initialize
     if ( preg_match( "/unix/i", $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ) )
     $server = "unix" ;
     $server = "windows" ;
     $PHPLIVE_VERSION = "3.2.2" ;
     $success = 0 ;
     $error = "" ;
     // put php version check module here
     // check_version() ;
     // if system if configured, then let's go to the menu options
     if ( file_exists( "../web/conf-init.php" ) )
     HEADER( "location: login.php" ) ;
     exit ;
     // open the language pack if passed
     if ( isset( $_POST['language'] ) && $_POST['language'] )
     include_once( "../lang_packs/$_POST[language].php" ) ;
     function print_error( $error )
     print "
     <body text=#38385E link=#026AFE vlink=#026AFE alink=#026AFE leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0>
     <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=0 width=100%>
     <big><b>SETUP ERROR</b></big><p>
     <b><font color=#CE0C01>$error</font></b>
     <font size=1 face=arial>PHP Live! Installation (PHP Live! &copy; OSI Codes Inc.)</font>
     " ;
     // do initial checks to make sure setup can run
     if ( !is_dir( session_save_path() ) )
     print_error( "'session.save_path' directory not set! Please set your session.save_path in your php.ini file (it is usally set to /tmp for UNIX, C:\Temp for windows). Restart your webserver. After you have done this, reload this page and try again." ) ;
     exit ;
     if ( file_exists( "../web" ) )
     if ( !is_writable( "../web" ) )
     print_error( "Please give the '<i>web</i>' directory READ/WRITE permission by the browser. (<code>chmod o+rw web</code>). The '<i>web</i>' directory is located in your root PHP Live! install location. After you have done this, reload this page and try again." ) ;
     exit ;
     if ( is_dir( "../web/chatsessions" ) != true )
     mkdir( "../web/chatsessions", 0777 ) ;
     if ( is_dir( "../web/chatrequests" ) != true )
     mkdir( "../web/chatrequests", 0777 ) ;
     if ( is_dir( "../web/chatpolling" ) != true )
     mkdir( "../web/chatpolling", 0777 ) ;
     if ( !file_exists( "../web/chatsessions" ) )
     print_error( "Setup was unable to create the needed directories. Please check your php.ini to make sure the mkdir() function is not disabled or make sure that a web/ directory exists inside your phplive/ directory. After you have done this, reload this page and try again." ) ;
     exit ;
     print_error( "Please create a '<i>web</i>' directory in your root PHP Live! install location. Make it READ/WRITE permission by the browser. (<code>chmod o+rw web</code>). After you have done this, reload this page and try again." ) ;
     exit ;
     // connect to DB and check to see if any users exist - show error if need above
     $rand = mt_rand(0,1000) ;
     // functions
     function checkVersion( $version )
     if ( phpversion() >= $version )
     return true ;
     return false ;
     function dump_db( $db_name, $db_host, $db_login, $db_password )
     $mysql_error = "" ;
     $connection = mysql_pconnect( $db_host, $db_login, $db_password ) ;
     if ( !mysql_select_db( $db_name ) )
     return "<p>Error: Could not locate database[ $db_name ]<p>" ;
     $fp = fopen ("../super/phplive.txt", "r") ;
     while (!feof ($fp))
     $query = "" ;
     $error = "" ;
     $buffer = fgets($fp, 1000);
     if ( preg_match( "/(DROP TABLE)/", $buffer ) )
     $query = substr( $buffer, 0, strlen( $buffer ) - 2 ) ;
     $query = stripslashes( $query ) ;
     $result = mysql_query( $query, $connection ) ;
     $mysql_error .= mysql_error() ;
     if ( preg_match( "/(CREATE TABLE)/", $buffer ) )
     $query .= $buffer ;
     if ( !preg_match( "/\) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8/", $buffer ) )
     while ( $buffer = fgets( $fp, 500 ) )
     if ( preg_match( "/\) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8/", $buffer ) ){ break 1 ; }
     $query .= $buffer ;
     if ( !preg_match( "/\) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8/", $query ) )
     $query = "$query);" ;
     $query = stripslashes( $query ) ;
     $result = mysql_query( $query, $connection ) ;
     $mysql_error .= mysql_error() ;
     if ( preg_match( "/(INSERT INTO)/", $buffer ) )
     $query = substr( $buffer, 0, strlen( $buffer ) - 2 ) ;
     $query = stripslashes( $query ) ;
     $result = mysql_query( $query, $connection ) ;
     $mysql_error .= mysql_error() ;
     fclose( $fp ) ;
     mysql_close( $connection ) ;
     if ( $mysql_error )
     $error = "<p>Error: Following database error(s) were generated: <br>$mysql_error<p><a href=\"http://www.phplivesupport.com/documentation/viewarticle.php?aid=35\" target=\"new\">Verifying your MySQL Information Help</a><p>" ;
     return $error ;
     // initialize and get vars
     $action = $override = "" ;
     if ( isset( $_POST['action'] ) ) { $action = $_POST['action'] ; }
     if ( isset( $_POST['override'] ) ) { $override = $_POST['override'] ; }
     // conditions
     if ( $action == "update db" )
     $db_host = $_POST['db_host'] ;
     $db_login = $_POST['db_login'] ;
     $db_password = $_POST['db_password'] ;
     $db_name = $_POST['db_name'] ;
     $connection = mysql_connect( $db_host, $db_login, $db_password ) ;
     mysql_select_db( $db_name ) ;
     $sth = mysql_query( "SHOW TABLES", $connection ) ;
     $error = mysql_error() ;
     if ( $error )
     $action = "update company" ;
     $error = "<p>Error: Database produced the following error(s). Please correct and submit.<br>-- $error --<p><a href=\"http://www.phplivesupport.com/documentation/viewarticle.php?aid=35\" target=\"new\">Verifying your MySQL Information Help Docs</a><p>" ;
     $error = dump_db( $db_name, $db_host, $db_login, $db_password ) ;
     if ( !$error )
     if ( !$error )
     $document_root = stripslashes( $_POST['document_root'] ) ;
     $site_name = addslashes( $_POST['site_name'] ) ;
     $conf_string = "0LEFT_ARROW0?php
     \$ASP_KEY = '' ;
     \$NO_PCONNECT = '$_POST[no_pconnect]' ;
     \$DATABASETYPE = '$_POST[db_type]' ;
     \$DATABASE = '$db_name' ;
     \$SQLHOST = '$db_host' ;
     \$SQLLOGIN = '$db_login' ;
     \$SQLPASS = '$db_password' ;
     \$DOCUMENT_ROOT = '$_POST[document_root]' ;
     \$BASE_URL = '$_POST[base_url]' ;
     \$SITE_NAME = '$site_name' ;
     \$LOGO_ASP = 'phplive_logo.gif' ;
     \$LANG_PACK = '$_POST[language]' ;?0RIGHT_ARROW0" ;
     // create and put configuration data
     $conf_string = preg_replace( "/0LEFT_ARROW0/", "<", $conf_string ) ;
     $conf_string = preg_replace( "/0RIGHT_ARROW0/", ">", $conf_string ) ;
     $fp = fopen ("../web/conf-init.php", "wb+") ;
     fwrite( $fp, $conf_string, strlen( $conf_string ) ) ;
     fclose( $fp ) ;
     if ( ( is_dir( "../web/$_POST[login]" ) != true ) && isset( $_POST['login'] ) )
     mkdir( "../web/$_POST[login]", 0777 ) ;
     if ( file_exists( "../admin/traffic/admin_puller.php" ) )
     $initiate = 1 ;
     $initiate = 0 ;
     $COMPANY_NAME = addslashes( $_POST['company'] ) ;
     $conf_string = "0LEFT_ARROW0?php
     \$LOGO = '' ;
     \$SUPPORT_LOGO_ONLINE = 'phplive_support_online.gif' ;
     \$SUPPORT_LOGO_OFFLINE = 'phplive_support_offline.gif' ;
     \$SUPPORT_LOGO_AWAY = '' ;
     \$VISITOR_FOOTPRINT = '1' ;
     \$THEME = 'default' ;
     \$POLL_TIME = '45' ;
     \$INITIATE = '$initiate' ;
     \$INITIATE_IMAGE = '' ;
     \$IPNOTRACK = '' ;
     \$LANG_PACK = '$_POST[language]'; ?0RIGHT_ARROW0" ;
     $conf_string = preg_replace( "/0LEFT_ARROW0/", "<", $conf_string ) ;
     $conf_string = preg_replace( "/0RIGHT_ARROW0/", ">", $conf_string ) ;
     $fp = fopen ("../web/$_POST[login]/$_POST[login]-conf-init.php", "wb+") ;
     fwrite( $fp, $conf_string, strlen( $conf_string ) ) ;
     fclose( $fp ) ;
     // let's create an index file for the user so
     // the path is more nice...
     // (/phplive/<user>/ instead of /phplive/index.php?l=<user>)
     $index_string = "0LEFT_ARROW0?php \$path = explode( \"/\", \$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) ; \$total = count( \$path ) ; \$login = \$path[\$total-2] ; \$winapp = isset( \$_GET['winapp'] ) ? \$_GET['winapp'] : \"\" ; HEADER( \"location: ../../index.php?l=\$login&winapp=\$winapp\" ) ; exit ; ?0RIGHT_ARROW0" ;
     $index_string = preg_replace( "/0LEFT_ARROW0/", "<", $index_string ) ;
     $index_string = preg_replace( "/0RIGHT_ARROW0/", ">", $index_string ) ;
     $fp = fopen ("../web/$_POST[login]/index.php", "wb+") ;
     fwrite( $fp, $index_string, strlen( $index_string ) ) ;
     fclose( $fp ) ;
     // now let's create an index.php page in the web/ directory for
     // extra security
     $index_string = "&nbsp;" ;
     $fp = fopen ("../web/index.php", "wb+") ;
     fwrite( $fp, $index_string, strlen( $index_string ) ) ;
     fclose( $fp ) ;
     /*********** insert new data ***************/
     $now = time() ;
     $connection = mysql_connect( $db_host, $db_login, $db_password ) ;
     mysql_select_db( $db_name ) ;
     $trans_email = "Hello %%username%%,
    Below is the complete transcript of your chat session:
    Thank you
    " ;
     $query = "INSERT INTO chat_asp VALUES (0, '$_POST[login]', '$_POST[password]', '$_POST[company]', '$_POST[contact_name]', '$_POST[contact_email]', '15', '100', '1', '$now', 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, '(optional) If you would like to receive a copy of this chat session transcript, please input your email address below and Submit.', '$trans_email')" ;
     mysql_query( $query, $connection ) ;
     // create and put version file
     $version_string = "0LEFT_ARROW0?php \$PHPLIVE_VERSION = \"$PHPLIVE_VERSION\" ; ?0RIGHT_ARROW0" ;
     $version_string = preg_replace( "/0LEFT_ARROW0/", "<", $version_string ) ;
    Habe nun auch mal die Datenbank die Demo Datenbank (Beiliegend) in mySQL Importiert, jedoch kommt trozdem die Installation (Auch wenn ich den Setup Ordner lösche) oder erneut die Datenbankdaten eintrage bei der Installation:

    Wäre prima wenn mir jemand helfen könnte, weil ich würde das Skirpt gerne bald anwenden weil es ist verlorenes Geld, da es eine Zeitlich Beschenkte Version ist. Bewertung bekommt ihr für jede hilfreiche Antwort.. Gruß Sletjam
  2. 9. Januar 2008
    AW: PHPLive Installation

    Der rest der Index Datei:

     $version_string = preg_replace( "/0RIGHT_ARROW0/", ">", $version_string ) ;
     $fp = fopen ("../web/VERSION_KEEP.php", "wb+") ;
     fwrite( $fp, $version_string, strlen( $version_string ) ) ;
     fclose( $fp ) ;
     $url = $_POST['base_url'] ;
     $os = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ;
     $os = urlencode( $os ) ;
     $fp = fopen ("http://www.osicodes.com/stats/patch.php?v=$PHPLIVE_VERSION&url=$url&os=$os&users=INSTALL&ops=0", "r") ;
     fclose( $fp ) ;
     copy( "../files/nodelete.php", "../web/$_POST[login]/nodelete.php" ) ;
     HEADER( "location: ../super" ) ;
     exit ;
     $action = "update company" ;
     $error = "<p>Error: Database produced the following error(s). Please correct and submit.<br>-- $error --<p><a href=\"http://www.phplivesupport.com/documentation/viewarticle.php?aid=35\" target=\"new\">Verifying your MySQL Information Help Docs</a><p>" ;
     else if ( $action == "update document root" )
     $document_root = $_POST['document_root'] ;
     $str_len = strlen( $document_root ) ;
     $last = $document_root[$str_len-1] ;
     if ( ( $last == "/" ) || ( $last == "\\" ) )
     $document_root = substr( $document_root, 0, $str_len - 1 ) ;
     if ( !file_exists( "$document_root/super/phplive.txt" ) )
     $action = "update site name" ;
     $temp_root = stripslashes( $document_root ) ;
     $error = "Error: $temp_root - This is NOT the correct unpacked path of PHP <i>Live!</i>. Please correct and submit." ;
     else if ( $action == "update base url" )
     $document_root = $_POST['document_root'] ;
     $base_url = $_POST['base_url'] ;
     $str_len = strlen( $base_url ) ;
     $last = $base_url[$str_len-1] ;
     if ( ( $last == "/" ) || ( $last == "\\" ) )
     $base_url = substr( $base_url, 0, $str_len - 1 ) ;
     if ( !fopen( "$base_url/docs/ChangeLog.txt", "r") )
     $action = "update document root" ;
     $error = "Error: $base_url - This is NOT the correct unpacked path of PHP <i>Live!</i>. Please correct and submit." ;
     if ( !fopen( "$base_url/super/phplive.txt", "r") && !$error )
     $action = "update document root" ;
     $error = "Error: $base_url - During installation, please remove the HTTP password protection to your <a href=\"$base_url/super/info.php\" target=\"new\">super/</a> area OR make sure the fopen() function is enabled in your php.ini file (requires webserver restart after update). Please correct and submit." ;
     if ( !checkVersion( "4.0.6" ) && !$override )
     print "<font color=\"#FF0000\">Your current PHP version ".phpversion()." is not compatible with PHP <i>Live!</i> Support v".$PHPLIVE_VERSION.". Please upgrade your PHP to 4.0.6 or greater. We recommend you install the latest PHP version from <a href=\"http://www.php.net/downloads.php\" target=\"new\">PHP.net</a>. Please contact your server admin to upgrade your current PHP build.</font>" ;
     exit ;
    <?php include_once( "../super/header.php" ) ?>
    <script language="JavaScript">
     var url = location.toString() ;
     url = replace( url, "setup/index.php", "" ) ;
     function do_db_update()
     if ( ( document.form.db_name.value == "" ) || ( document.form.db_host.value == "" )
     || ( document.form.db_login.value == "" ) || ( document.form.db_password.value == "" ) )
     alert( "All fields must be supplied." )
     document.form.submit() ;
     function do_user_update()
     if ( ( document.form.company.value == "" ) || ( document.form.login.value == "" )
     || ( document.form.password.value == "" ) || ( document.form.contact_name.value == "" )
     || ( document.form.contact_email.value == "" ) )
     alert( "All fields MUST be filled." ) ;
     else if ( document.form.company.value.indexOf("'") != -1 )
     alert( "Company name cannot have a single quote (')." ) ;
     document.form.submit() ;
    <font color="#FF0000"><?php echo $error ?></font><br>
    <form method="POST" action="index.php" name="form">
     <?php if ( $action == "update document root" ): ?>
     <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update base url">
     <input type="hidden" name="language" value="<?php echo $_POST['language'] ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="site_name" value="<?php echo $_POST['site_name'] ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="document_root" value="<?php echo stripslashes( $document_root ) ?>">
     <span class="title">Set your Base URL.</span>
     <span class="basetxt">This is the complete URL path of the PHP <i>Live!</i> system.<p>
     <font color="#660000">http://phplive.mycompany.com<br>
     <table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 border=0>
     <td><span class="basetxt">Base URL</td><td><span class="basetxt"> <input type="text" name="base_url" size=30 maxlength=120></td><td> <input type="submit" class="mainButton" value="Submit" border=0></td>
     <script language="JavaScript"> document.form.base_url.value = url ; </script>
     <?php elseif ( $action == "update base url" ): ?>
     <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update company">
     <input type="hidden" name="language" value="<?php echo $_POST['language'] ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="site_name" value="<?php echo $_POST['site_name'] ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="document_root" value="<?php echo stripslashes( $_POST['document_root'] ) ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="base_url" value="<?php echo stripslashes( $base_url ) ?>">
     <span class="title">Your Company Information.</span>
     Please provide your default company profile information.
     <font color="#FF0000">(do not include single quote (') in your company name!)</font>
     <table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 border=0>
     <td><span class="basetxt">Company</td>
     <td><span class="basetxt"><font size=2 face="arial"> <input type="text" name="company" size="<?php echo $text_width ?>" maxlength="50" onKeyPress="return nospecials(event)"></td>
     <td><span class="basetxt">Setup Login</td>
     <td><font size=2 face="arial"> <input type="text" name="login" size="<?php echo $text_width ?>" maxlength="15" onKeyPress="return nospecials(event)"></td>
     <td><span class="basetxt">Password</td>
     <td><span class="basetxt"><font size=2 face="arial"> <input type="text" name="password" size="<?php echo $text_width ?>" maxlength="15"></td>
     <td><span class="basetxt">Contact Name</td>
     <td><span class="basetxt"><font size=2 face="arial"> <input type="text" name="contact_name" size="<?php echo $text_width ?>" maxlength="50"></td>
     <td><span class="basetxt">Contact Email</td>
     <td><span class="basetxt"><font size=2 face="arial"> <input type="text" name="contact_email" size="<?php echo $text_width ?>" maxlength="150"></td>
     <td colspan=4>&nbsp;</td>
     <td><input type="button" OnClick="do_user_update()" class="mainButton" value="Submit"></td>
     <?php elseif ( $action == "update company" ): ?>
     <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update db">
     <input type="hidden" name="language" value="<?php echo $_POST['language'] ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="site_name" value="<?php echo $_POST['site_name'] ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="document_root" value="<?php echo stripslashes( $_POST['document_root'] ) ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="base_url" value="<?php echo stripslashes( $_POST['base_url'] ) ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="company" value="<?php echo $_POST['company'] ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="login" value="<?php echo $_POST['login'] ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="password" value="<?php echo $_POST['password'] ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="contact_name" value="<?php echo $_POST['contact_name'] ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="contact_email" value="<?php echo $_POST['contact_email'] ?>">
     <span class="title">Configure Database.</span>
     <font color="#660000">
     <big><b>Before you proceed, create an empty database for your PHP Live! system. After you have done so, provide the database information below. (NOTE: Don't forget to restart or reload your MySQL so the new access level for this user is set.)</big></b>
     <input type="hidden" value="1" name="no_pconnect">
     <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 border=0>
     <td><span class="basetxt">Database Type</td>
     <td><span class="basetxt"> <select name="db_type"><option value='mysql'>MySQL</select></td>
     <td><span class="basetxt">DB Name</td>
     <td><span class="basetxt"> <input type="text" name="db_name" size=15 maxlength="200"></td>
     <td colspan=2><font size=1 face="arial">DB Host is usually set to localhost.</td>
     <td><span class="basetxt">DB Host</td>
     <td><span class="basetxt"> <input type="text" name="db_host" size=15 maxlength="200" value="localhost"></td>
     <td><span class="basetxt">DB Login</td>
     <td><span class="basetxt"> <input type="text" name="db_login" size=15 maxlength="200"></td>
     <td><span class="basetxt">DB Password</td>
     <td><span class="basetxt"> <input type="text" name="db_password" size=15 maxlength="200"></td>
     <td><input type="button" OnClick="do_db_update()" class="mainButton" value="Submit"></td>
     elseif( $action == "update site name" ):
     $path_translated = ( isset( $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] ) ) ? $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] ;
     $temp_root = preg_replace( "/setup(.*?).php/i", "", $path_translated ) ;
     <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update document root">
     <input type="hidden" name="site_name" value="<?php echo $_POST['site_name'] ?>">
     <input type="hidden" name="language" value="<?php echo $_POST['language'] ?>">
     <span class="title">Set your Document Root.</span>
     <span class="basetxt">This is the complete installed path (unpacked dir) of PHP <i>Live!</i>.<p>
     <font color="#660000">UNIX: /home/user/phplive<br>
     Windows: C:\Apache\htdocs\phplive</font>
     <table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 border=0>
     <td><span class="basetxt">Document Root</td><td><span class="basetxt"> <input type="text" name="document_root" size=30 maxlength=120 value="<?php echo $temp_root ?>"></td><td> <input type="submit" class="mainButton" value="Submit" border=0></td>
     <?php else: ?>
     <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update site name">
     <span class="title">Your Site Name.</span>
     <table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 border=0>
     <td><span class="basetxt">Site Name</td><td><span class="basetxt"> <input type="text" name="site_name" size=15 maxlength=35 value="PHP Live!"></td>
     <td><span class="basetxt">Language</td>
     <td><span class="basetxt">
     <select name="language">
     if ( !isset( $LANG_PACK ) )
     $LANG_PACK = "English" ;
     if ( $dir = @opendir( "../lang_packs" ) )
     while( $file = readdir( $dir ) )
     if ( ( $file = preg_replace( "/\.php/", "", $file ) ) && !preg_match( "/(.bak)|(CVS)/", $file ) && preg_match( "/[0-9a-z]/i", $file ) )
     $selected = "" ;
     if ( $file == $LANG_PACK )
     $selected = "selected" ;
     print "<option value=\"$file\" $selected>$file" ;
     closedir($dir) ;
     <td>&nbsp;</td><td><input type="submit" class="mainButton" value="Submit"></td>
     <?php endif ; ?>
     <td height="20" align="right" class="bgFooter" style="height:20px"><img src="../images/bg_corner_footer.gif" alt="" width="94" height="20"></td>
     <td height="20" align="center" class="bgCopyright" style="height:20px">Powered by <a href="http://www.google.com" target="new">CHT</a> NULLED CHT</td>
  3. 10. Januar 2008
    AW: PHPLive Installation

    Die oben genannte Funktion gehört zum Standard von PHP, hier muss "kritisch" mit der Konfiguration von PHP rumgespielt worden sein.

    Zum Anderen ist dieses Script durchsetzt von Sicherheitslücken, schlechtem Stil, syntaktische Fehler etc. weswegen ich es schnell wieder loswerden würde oder ein komplettes Code-Review heranziehen würde.
  4. Video Script

    Videos zum Themenbereich

    * gefundene Videos auf YouTube, anhand der Überschrift.