Problem mit vBulletin`s Renommee System!

Dieses Thema im Forum "Webentwicklung" wurde erstellt von sentino, 10. August 2007 .

  1. 10. August 2007
    Und zwar der Fehler tritt auf wenn ich in vBulletin die alte Threadansicht akteviere, also das in einen Thread die Benutzerinformation an der linken Seite sthet, so wie in RR
    Und zwar klicke ich dann auf Bewerten aber in FF öffnet sich kein Fenster
    Hier eine Test Seite um zu Testen:

    Test Acc:
    B: Test-User1
    P: tomate

    Und hier das Template wo der Fehler liegen muss:
    <!--  post  #$post[postid] -->

    < div  class= "tcat"  style = "padding: 0;" >
    img src = "images/monochrome/postbit/title_right.gif"  style = "float: right;"  alt = ""  />
    div  class= "ttitle"  style = "float: right; font-size: 12px; padding: 2px 5px 0 15px;"  id = "postmenu_ $post [ postid ] " >
    condition = " $show [ 'profile']" >
    a href = "member.php? $session [ sessionurl ] u= $post [ userid ] " > $post [ musername ]</ a >
    script type = "text/javascript" vbmenu_register ( "postmenu_ $post [ postid ] " true ); </ script >
            <else />
    $post [ musername ]
    div >
    img src = "images/monochrome/postbit/title_left.gif"  style = "float: right;"  alt = ""  />
    img src = " $stylevar [ imgdir_button ] /tcat_left.gif"  style = "float: left;"  alt = ""  />
    condition = " $post [ 'title']" > $post [ title ]</if>& nbsp ;
    div >

    table  class= "tborder"  cellpadding = " $stylevar [ cellpadding ] cellspacing = " $stylevar [ cellspacing ] border = "0"  width = "100%"  align = "center"  style = "margin: 0 0  $stylevar [ cellpadding ] px 0" >
    tr >
    condition = " $show [ 'announcement']" >
    td  class= "thead2"  colspan = "2" >
    condition = " $show [ 'postcount']" >[< a href = "showpost.php? $session [ sessionurl ] p= $post [ postid ] &amp;postcount= $post [ postcount ] target = "new" >< strong > $post [ postcount ]</ strong ></ a >]</if>
    span  class= "blue" > Geschrieben von  < a href = "member.php? $session [ sessionurl ] u= $post [ userid ] " > $post [ musername ]</ a ></ span >
    phrase 1 = " $post [ startdate ] 2 = " $post [ enddate ] " > $vbphrase [ x_until_y ]</ phrase >
    td >
        <else />
    td  class= "thead2"  $scrolltothis >        
    status icon  and  date  -->
    a name = "post $post [ postid ] " ></ a >
    condition = " $show [ 'postcount']" >[< a href = "showpost.php? $session [ sessionurl ] p= $post [ postid ] &amp;postcount= $post [ postcount ] target = "new" >< strong > $post [ postcount ]</ strong ></ a >]</if>
    span  class= "blue" > Geschrieben von  < a href = "member.php? $session [ sessionurl ] u= $post [ userid ] " > $post [ musername ]</ a ></ span >
    $post [ postdate ]<if  condition = "! $show [ 'detailedtime']" >,  $post [ posttime ]</if>
    $post [ firstnewinsert ]
                <!-- / 
    status icon  and  date  -->                
    td >
    td  class= "thead"  style = "padding: 0; text-align: center;" >
    img src = "images/monochrome/postbit/name_left.gif"  style = "float: left; position: relative; left: -6px;"  alt = ""  border = "0"  />
    img src = "images/monochrome/postbit/name_right.gif"  style = "float: right; position: relative; right: -1px;"  alt = ""  border = "0"  />
    div  class= "bluename" >
    condition = " $post [ 'usertitle']" >< div  class= "smallfont" > $post [ usertitle ]</ div ></if>
    div >
    td >
    tr >
    tr valign = "top" >
    td  class= "alt1" >
    condition = " $show [ 'messageicon'] OR  $post [ 'title']" >
    icon  and  title  -->
    div  class= "smallfont" >
    condition = " $show [ 'messageicon']" >< img  class= "inlineimg"  src = " $post [ iconpath ] alt = " $post [ icontitle ] border = "0"  /></if>
    condition = " $post [ 'title']" >< strong > $post [ title ]</ strong ></if>
    div >
    hr size = "1"  style = "color: $stylevar [ tborder_bgcolor ] />
                <!-- / 
    icon  and  title  -->
    message  -->
    div id = "post_message_ $post [ postid ] " > $post [ message ]</ div >
            <!-- / 
    message  -->
    condition = " $show [ 'attachments']" >
    attachments  -->
    div style = "padding: $stylevar [ cellpadding ] px" >
    condition = " $show [ 'thumbnailattachment']" >
    fieldset  class= "fieldset" >
    legend > $vbphrase [ attached_thumbnails ]</ legend >
    div style = "padding: $stylevar [ formspacer ] px" >
    $post [ thumbnailattachments ]
    div >
    fieldset >
    condition = " $show [ 'imageattachment']" >
    fieldset  class= "fieldset" >
    legend > $vbphrase [ attached_images ]</ legend >
    div style = "padding: $stylevar [ formspacer ] px" >
    $post [ imageattachments ]
    div >
    fieldset >
    condition = " $show [ 'imageattachmentlink']" >
    fieldset  class= "fieldset" >
    legend > $vbphrase [ attached_images ]</ legend >
    table cellpadding = "0"  cellspacing = " $stylevar [ formspacer ] border = "0" >
    $post [ imageattachmentlinks ]
    table >
    fieldset >
    condition = " $show [ 'otherattachment']" >
    fieldset  class= "fieldset" >
    legend > $vbphrase [ attached_files ]</ legend >
    table cellpadding = "0"  cellspacing = " $stylevar [ formspacer ] border = "0" >
    $post [ otherattachments ]
    table >
    fieldset >
    condition = " $show [ 'moderatedattachment']" >
    fieldset  class= "fieldset" >
    legend > $vbphrase [ attachments_pending_approval ]</ legend >
    table cellpadding = "0"  cellspacing = " $stylevar [ formspacer ] border = "0" >
    $post [ moderatedattachments ]
    table >
    fieldset >        
    div >
            <!-- / 
    attachments  -->
    condition = " $post [ 'signature']" >
    sig  -->
    br  />
    div style = "text-align: right;" >
    __________________ < br  />
    $post [ signature ]
    div >
            <!-- / 
    sig  -->
    condition = " $show [ 'postedited']" >
    edit note  -->
    div  class= "smallfont" >            < hr size = "1"  style = "color: $stylevar [ tborder_bgcolor ] />
    em >
    phrase 1 = " $post [ edit_username ] 2 = " $post [ edit_date ] 3 = " $post [ edit_time ] " > $vbphrase [ last_edited_by_x_on_y_at_z ]</ phrase >.
    condition = " $post [ 'edit_reason']" > $vbphrase [ reason ]:  $post [ edit_reason ]</if>
    em >
    div >
            <!-- / 
    edit note  -->
    td >
    td  class= "alt1"  width = "175" >
    div style = "text-align: center;" >

    condition = " $show [ 'redcard']" >
    a href = "infraction.php? $session [ sessionurl ] do=view&amp;p= $post [ postid ] " >< img src = " $stylevar [ imgdir_button ] /redcard.gif"  alt = " $vbphrase [ received_infraction ] border = "0"  /></ a >
            <else />
    condition = " $show [ 'yellowcard']" >
    a href = "infraction.php? $session [ sessionurl ] do=view&amp;p= $post [ postid ] " >< img src = " $stylevar [ imgdir_button ] /yellowcard.gif"  alt = " $vbphrase [ received_warning ] border = "0"  /></ a >

    condition = " $show [ 'avatar']" >
    div  class= "smallfont" >
    a href = "member.php? $session [ sessionurl ] u= $post [ userid ] " >< img src = " $post [ avatarurl ] alt = "<phrase 1=" $post [ username ] "> $vbphrase [ xs_avatar ] </phrase>"  border = "0"  /></ a >
    div >

    condition = " $post [ 'rank']" >< br  />< div  class= "userinfo" > $post [ rank ]</ div ></if>

    div  class= "smallfont" >
    condition = " $post [ 'joindate']" >< div  class= "userinfo" >< b > $vbphrase [ join_date ]:</ b $post [ joindate ]</ div ></if>
    condition = " $post [ 'field2']" >< div  class= "userinfo" >< b > $vbphrase [ location_perm ]:</ b $post [ field2 ]</ div ></if>
    condition = " $post [ 'age']" >< div  class= "userinfo" >< b > $vbphrase [ age ]:</ b $post [ age ]</ div ></if>
    div  class= "userinfo" >
    b > $vbphrase [ posts ]:</ b $post [ posts ]
    div >

    condition = " $vboptions [ 'enable_htnx_tag'] AND in_array(THIS_SCRIPT, array('showthread', 'showpost', 'editpost'))" >
    div  class= "userinfo" >
    condition = " $bbuserinfo [ 'userid'] ==  $post [ 'userid'] OR in_array( $post [ 'postid'],  $hidetag [ 'said_thanks'])" >

    strong > $post_thanks_count </ strong $vbphrase [ for_this_post ],
    strong > $user_thanks_count </ strong $vbphrase [ total ]
    div >

    condition = " $show [ 'infraction']" >< div  class= "userinfo" > $vbphrase [ infractions ]:  $post [ warnings ]/ $post [ infractions ] ( $post [ ipoints ])</ div ></if>
    condition = " $show [ 'reputation']" >< div  class= "userinfo" ><if  condition = " $show [ 'reppower']" > $vbphrase [ reppower ]: < span id = "reppower_ $post [ postid ] _ $post [ userid ] " > $post [ reppower ]</ span > </if>< span id = "repdisplay_ $post [ postid ] _ $post [ userid ] " > $post [ reputationdisplay ]</ span ></ div ></if>

    div  class= "userinfo"  align = "center"  style = "margin: 3px 0;" > $post [ icqicon $post [ aimicon $post [ msnicon $post [ yahooicon $post [ skypeicon $post [ iplogged ]</ div >
    div >            
    condition = " $show [ 'reputationlink']" >< div  class= "userinfo" >
    span id = "reputationmenu_ $post [ postid ] " >< a href = "reputation.php? $session [ sessionurl ] p= $post [ postid ] rel = "nofollow"  id = "reputation_ $post [ postid ] " >< img  class= "inlineimg"  src = " $stylevar [ imgdir_button ] /reputation.gif"  alt = "<phrase 1=" $post [ username ] "> $vbphrase [ add_to_xs_reputation ] </phrase>"  border = "0"  /></ a ></ span >
    condition = " $show [ 'popups']" >< script type = "text/javascript" vbrep_register ( " $post [ postid ] " )</ script ></if>
    condition = " $show [ 'infractionlink']" >< a href = "infraction.php? $session [ sessionurl ] do=report&amp;p= $post [ postid ] rel = "nofollow" >< img  class= "inlineimg"  src = " $stylevar [ imgdir_button ] /infraction.gif"  alt = "<phrase 1=" $post [ username ] "> $vbphrase [ add_infraction_for_x ] </phrase>"  border = "0"  /></ a ></if>
    condition = " $show [ 'reportlink']" >< a href = "report.php? $session [ sessionurl ] p= $post [ postid ] rel = "nofollow" >< img  class= "inlineimg"  src = " $stylevar [ imgdir_button ] /report.gif"  alt = " $vbphrase [ report_bad_post ] border = "0"  /></ a ></if>

    $post [ onlinestatus ]</ div >
    br  />< br  />
    div align = "right" >
    condition = " $show [ 'multiquote_post']" >
    a href = " $post [ replylink ] rel = "nofollow"  onclick = "return false" >< img src = " $stylevar [ imgdir_button ] /multiquote_<if condition=" $show [ 'multiquote_selected' ] ">on<else />off</if>.gif"  alt = " $vbphrase [ multi_quote_this_message ] border = "0"  id = "mq_ $post [ postid ] /></ a >

    condition = " $show [ 'inlinemod']" >
    input type = "checkbox"  name = "plist[ $postid ]"  id = "plist_ $postid style = "vertical-align:middle; padding:0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 5px"  value = " $post [ checkbox_value ] onclick = "inlineMod.toggle(this)"  />
    div >

    td >
    tr >
    tr >
    td  class= "alt1"  align = " $stylevar [ right ] style = "background: #E3E3E3; height: 20px; line-height: 20px; padding: 0 6px;" >
    img src = "images/monochrome/postbit/bottom_left.gif"  style = "float: left; position: relative; bottom: -13px; left: -9px;"  alt = ""  />
    div  class= "blue smallfont" >
    condition = " $show [ 'profile']" >
    a href = "member.php? $session [ sessionurl ] userid= $post [ userid ] " > Profil </ a > |
    condition = " $show [ 'pmlink']" >
    a href = "private.php? $session [ sessionurl ] do=newpm&amp;userid= $post [ userid ] " >< phrase 1 = " $post [ username ] " > Send PM </ phrase ></ a > |
    condition = " $show [ 'emaillink']" >
    a href = "sendmessage.php? $session [ sessionurl ] do=mailmember&amp;u= $post [ userid ] " >< phrase 1 = " $post [ username ] " > E - mail </ phrase ></ a > |
    condition = " $show [ 'homepage']" >
    a href = " $post [ homepage ] " >< phrase 1 = " $post [ username ] " > Website </ phrase ></ a > |
    condition = " $show [ 'search']" >
    a href = "search.php? $session [ sessionurl ] do=finduser&amp;userid= $post [ userid ] " >< phrase 1 = " $post [ username ] " > Suche </ phrase ></ a > |
    condition = " $post [ 'userid'] AND  $show [ 'member']" >
    a href = "profile.php? $session [ sessionurl ] do=addlist&amp;userlist=buddy&amp;u= $post [ userid ] " >< phrase 1 = " $post [ username ] " > Freund </ phrase ></ a >
    condition = " $SHOWQUICKREPLY  AND ! $show [ 'threadedmode']" >
            | <
    a href = " $post [ replylink ] onclick = "return qr( $post [ postid ] );" >< strong > Quick Reply </ strong ></ a >
    div >
    td >
    td  class= "alt1"  align = "center"  style = "background: #E3E3E3; height: 20px; line-height: 20px; padding: 0 6px;" >
    img src = "images/monochrome/postbit/bottom_right.gif"  style = "float: right; position: relative; bottom: -13px; right: -9px;"  alt = ""  />
    controls  -->    
    span  class= "grey" >
    condition = " $show [ 'reportlink']" >
    a href = "report.php? $session [ sessionurl ] p= $post [ postid ] " > Melden </ a > |
    condition = " $post [ 'editlink']" >
    a href = " $post [ editlink ] " > Edit </ a > |
    condition = " $post [ 'forwardlink']" >
    a href = " $post [ forwardlink ] " > Forward  |</ a >
    condition = " $post [ 'replylink']" >
    a href = " $post [ replylink ] " > Zitat </ a >

    span >
        <!-- / 
    controls  -->
    td >
    tr >
    table >

    post $post [ postid popup menu  -->
    div  class= "vbmenu_popup"  id = "postmenu_ $post [ postid ] _menu"  style = "display:none" >
    table cellpadding = "4"  cellspacing = "1"  border = "0" >
    tr >
    td  class= "thead" > $post [ username ]</ td >
    tr >
    condition = " $show [ 'profile']" >
    tr >< td  class= "vbmenu_option" >< a href = "member.php? $session [ sessionurl ] u= $post [ userid ] " > $vbphrase [ view_public_profile ]</ a ></ td ></ tr >
    condition = " $show [ 'pmlink']" >
    tr >< td  class= "vbmenu_option" >< a href = "private.php? $session [ sessionurl ] do=newpm&amp;u= $post [ userid ] rel = "nofollow" >< phrase 1 = " $post [ username ] " > $vbphrase [ send_private_message_to_x ]</ phrase ></ a ></ td ></ tr >
    condition = " $show [ 'emaillink']" >
    tr >< td  class= "vbmenu_option" >< a href = "sendmessage.php? $session [ sessionurl ] do=mailmember&amp;u= $post [ userid ] rel = "nofollow" >< phrase 1 = " $post [ username ] " > $vbphrase [ send_email_to_x ]</ phrase ></ a ></ td ></ tr >
    condition = " $show [ 'homepage']" >
    tr >< td  class= "vbmenu_option" >< a href = " $post [ homepage ] " >< phrase 1 = " $post [ username ] " > $vbphrase [ visit_xs_homepage ]</ phrase ></ a ></ td ></ tr >
    condition = " $show [ 'search']" >
    tr >< td  class= "vbmenu_option" >< a href = "search.php? $session [ sessionurl ] do=finduser&amp;u= $post [ userid ] rel = "nofollow" >< phrase 1 = " $post [ username ] " > $vbphrase [ find_more_posts_by_x ]</ phrase ></ a ></ td ></ tr >
    condition = " $post [ 'userid'] AND  $show [ 'member']" >
    tr >< td  class= "vbmenu_option" >< a href = "profile.php? $session [ sessionurl ] do=addlist&amp;userlist=buddy&amp;u= $post [ userid ] " >< phrase 1 = " $post [ username ] " > $vbphrase [ add_x_to_buddy_list ]</ phrase ></ a ></ td ></ tr >
    table >
    div >
    <!-- / 
    post $post [ postid popup menu  -->

    condition = " $show [ 'spacer']" > $spacer_close </if>
    <!-- / 
    post  #$post[postid] -->  
    Ich hoffe mich kann jemand helfen Bin am verzweifeln...

    mfg sentino
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