Protestsong von Dr.House

Dieses Thema im Forum "Humor & Fun" wurde erstellt von roehresa, 15. Dezember 2007 .

  1. 15. Dezember 2007
    Richtig geil, schaut es euch mal an

    Protest Song von Dr. House - Fun Videos bei

    ich komme gar nicht darauf klar

    achja, man muss english können um den song zu verstehen^^
  2. 16. Dezember 2007
    AW: Protestsong von Dr.House

    Für die die es nicht so mit sprachverstehen im englischen haben hier die lyrics:

    This is a protest song. [ blows on a harmonica attached to his neck ]
    [ singing ]
    "Well, the poor keep getting hungry, and the rich keep getting fat
    Politicians change, but they're never gonna change that.
    Girl, we got the answer, it's so easy you won't believe
    All we gotta do is.. [ mumbles incoherently ]
    Well, the winds of war are blowin', and the tide is comin' in
    Don't you be hopin' for the good times, because the good times have already been.
    But, girl, we got the answer, it's so easy you won't believe
    All we gotta do is.. [ mumbles incoherently ]
    It's so easy, to see
    If only they'd listen, to you and me.
    We got to.. [ mumbles incoherently ] as fast as we can
    We got to.. [ mumbles incoherently ] every woman, every man
    We got to.. [ mumbles incoherently ] time after time
    We got to.. [ mumbles incoherently ] vodka and lime.
    Well, the world is gettin' weary, and it wants to go to bed
    Everybody's dyin', except the ones who are already dead.
    Girl, we got the answer, starin' us right in the face
    All we gotta do is
    All we gotta do is
    All we gotta do is."
    [ pauses, then blows on the harmonica and finishes ]
    Der text is schon cool und wie der die grimassen im video verzieht ^^

    bwt hasse
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