[Spiel] how secure is my password.net

Dieses Thema im Forum "Humor & Fun" wurde erstellt von Michi, 10. Juli 2010 .

  1. 10. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take

    About 2 hours

    for a desktop PC to crack your password

  2. 10. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    die hauen ne ubuntu live-CD rein und kommen auch ohne windows-pw an deine daten... deswegen bin ich von meinem "About 154 nonillion years"-passwort runter auf n "0.1 seconds"-passwort gegangen... kb jedesmal 32 stellen einzugeben
  3. 10. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take

    About 279 octillion years

    for a desktop PC to crack your password

  4. 10. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    rechner 3 min^^

    externe hdd

    It would take
    About 565,892,495,532 nonillion years
    for a desktop PC to crack your password
  5. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take
    About 17 quintillion years
    for a desktop PC to crack your password
  6. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take

    About 3 billion years

    for a desktop PC to crack your password
  7. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    Bei meinem alten Passwort:

    Mein neues, das ich überall langsam übernehme, nur keine zeit gehabt es überall einzusetzen

    Ich glaub, das reicht
  8. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    Jetzt kommt die neue Challenge: findet die 500 häufigst gewählten PW's
    z.B. "1234" :> (Wird angezeigt)
  9. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    hatt das auch schon hab irgendwie ingshit eingegeben
  10. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    About 12 thousand years

    naja dann reicht mein truecrypt ja aus
  11. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    truecryptpw (nur zu nem drittel ausgeschrieben):

    It would take
    About 565,892,495,532 nonillion years
    for a desktop PC to crack your password

  12. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take
    About 3 quadrillion years
    for a desktop PC to crack your password
    und es besteht nur aus 1 und 0

    und nein es ist nicht mein richtiges kennwort, für alle die jetz mein rr acc hacken wollen
  13. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take

    About 565,892,495,532 nonillion years

    for a desktop PC to crack your password

    mein Truecrypt pw gewesen ;-)

    Und das RR PW:

    It would take

    About 91 million years

    for a desktop PC to crack your password
  14. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    About 564 billion years
    ist aber echt lang und schwer
  15. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take
    About 6 days
    for a desktop PC to crack your password

    Sollte ich mir gedanken machen?
  16. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take

    About 3 quadrillion years

    for a desktop PC to crack your password
  17. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take

    About 13 minutes

    for a desktop PC to crack your password

  18. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    About 316 trillion years

    for a desktop PC to crack your password

  19. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take

    About 540 thousand years

    for a desktop PC to crack your password
  20. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take
    About 470 trillion years
    for a desktop PC to crack your password
  21. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take
    About 92 septillion years
    for a desktop PC to crack your password

    fast die hälfte
  22. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    ich hab schon:


    - shit

    - sex

    - ♂️♀️

    - bill

    - music

    - black

    - white

    - yellow

    - blue

    - green

    - orange
  23. 11. Juli 2010
    AW: how secure is my password.net

    It would take

    About 564 billion years

    for a desktop PC to crack your password
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