Wie schaut euer System aus...

Dieses Thema im Forum "Humor & Fun" wurde erstellt von MantiCore, 27. März 2009 .

  1. 22. April 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004
    Operating System: Microsoft Windows ??? [version 6.0.6001] Service Pack 1
    Memory: 2261MB/4101MB
    Machine: \\SHIVA running at 1975 Mhz
    Has been up for: 4 day(s), 6 hour(s), 21 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 60.7 GB free on 170.6 GB total space
    D:\(FIXED) 8.1 GB free on 15.7 GB total space
    G:\(FIXED) 0.4 GB free on 1.8 GB total space

  2. 22. April 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004
    Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600] Service Pack 3
    Memory: 555MB/1025MB
    Machine: \\******* running at 2502 Mhz
    Has been up for: 35 day(s), 4 hour(s), 45 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 13.7 GB free on 231.2 GB total space
    D:\(FIXED) 40.7 GB free on 80.5 GB total space
    F:\(FIXED) 3.9 GB free on 219.5 GB total space
    G:\(FIXED) 28.3 GB free on 97.7 GB total space
    H:\(FIXED) 25.6 GB free on 365.7 GB total space
    I:\(FIXED) 117.0 GB free on 429.3 GB total space
    J:\(FIXED) 12.8 GB free on 135.2 GB total space
    Input stream: 1625 KBytes/sec
    für laptop und zweiter rechner bin ich grade zu faul
  3. 22. April 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows ??? [version 6.0.6001] Service Pack 1
    Memory: 2423MB/4102MB
    Machine: \\ZETRAX-D86 running at 2691 Mhz
    Has been up for: 0 day(s), 14 hour(s), 24 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 112.9 GB free on 149.0 GB total space
    D:\(FIXED) 65.2 GB free on 149.0 GB total space
    E:\(FIXED) 44.6 GB free on 186.3 GB total space
    Input stream: 235 KBytes/sec

    Heutzutage wenig speicherplatz, aber mir reicht es
    Und ich bekomm nur DSL 2000+ -.-
  4. 22. April 2009
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 14. April 2017
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    Ich kann Programm auf meinem Servercluster leider nicht ausführen ist eben linux

    Aber hier mal ein Screenshot der Gesamtleistung:


    ESX-Cluster geht ab, leider leider gehörts der Firma net mir :-(
  5. 22. April 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    ohja ..

    und ich länger den pc anlassen^^

  6. 22. April 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows ??? [version 6.0.6001] Service Pack 1 -> vista
    Memory: 2052MB/2052MB -> 4GB
    Machine: \\HORSTROAD-PC running at 1785 Mhz
    Has been up for: 1 day(s), 13 hour(s), 13 minutes

    C:\(FIXED) 96.6 GB free on 149.0 GB total space -> interne HDD
    E:\(FIXED) 0.8 GB free on 1.9 GB total space -> SD-karte
    G:\(FIXED) 196.4 GB free on 596.2 GB total space -> externe HDD
    H:\(FIXED) 0.8 GB free on 0.9 GB total space -> USB-sound-gerät
    N:\(FIXED) 405.8 GB free on 465.6 GB total space -> netzwerkfestplatte
    Input stream: 1681 KBytes/sec
  7. 22. April 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600] Service Pack 3
    Memory: 2052MB/2052MB
    Machine: \\MARCEL-AF56D73D running at 3096 Mhz
    Has been up for: 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 39 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 41.9 GB free on 298.1 GB total space
    H:\(FIXED) 0.1 GB free on 0.5 GB total space
    Input stream: 1591 KBytes/sec
  8. 22. April 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004
    Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600] Service Pack 3
    Memory: 2052MB/2052MB
    Machine: \\MICH running at 2107 Mhz
    Has been up for: 6 day(s), 10 hour(s), 33 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 9.1 GB free on 48.8 GB total space
    G:\(FIXED) 6.6 GB free on 52.4 GB total space
    P:\(FIXED) 34.7 GB free on 232.9 GB total space
    Q:\(FIXED) 52.8 GB free on 465.8 GB total space
    R:\(FIXED) 9.8 GB free on 279.5 GB total space
    S:\(FIXED) 13.9 GB free on 48.8 GB total space
    T:\(FIXED) 26.8 GB free on 465.8 GB total space
    U:\(FIXED) 8.2 GB free on 184.0 GB total space
    Input stream: 1656 KBytes/sec
  9. 22. April 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    rofl das is hart
    kanns nich ausführen. aber hab 2tb.
  10. 22. April 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600] Service Pack 3
    Memory: 1474MB/2051MB
    Machine: \\****** running at 2276 Mhz
    Has been up for: 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 21 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 4.7 GB free on 4.9 GB total space
    D:\(FIXED) 296.7 GB free on 460.9 GB total space
    Input stream: 1712 KBytes/sec
  11. 23. April 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows ??? [version 6.0.6001] Service Pack 1
    Memory: 2052MB/2052MB
    Machine: \\MARCO-PC running at 2471 Mhz
    Has been up for: 2 day(s), 0 hour(s), 3 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 135.0 GB free on 232.9 GB total space
    D:\(FIXED) 40.7 GB free on 149.0 GB total space
    Input stream: 1530 KBytes/sec
  12. 3. Mai 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows ??? [version 6.0.6001] Service Pack 1
    Memory: 4104MB/4104MB <--- stimmt net, sind 8gb
    Machine: \\***-PC running at 2485 Mhz
    Has been up for: 2 day(s), 9 hour(s), 15 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 49.2 GB free on 97.7 GB total space
    D:\(FIXED) 426.6 GB free on 426.7 GB total space
    E:\(FIXED) 60.6 GB free on 274.9 GB total space
    F:\(FIXED) 34.8 GB free on 39.1 GB total space
    I:\(FIXED) 157.3 GB free on 465.8 GB total space
    Input stream: 2045 KBytes/sec
  13. 4. Mai 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows ??? [version 6.0.6001] Service Pack 1
    Memory: 2052MB/2052MB
    Machine: \\************-PC running at 2378 Mhz
    Has been up for: 0 day(s), 0 hour(s), 37 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 87.9 GB free on 298.1 GB total space
    D:\(FIXED) 254.1 GB free on 372.6 GB total space
    K:\(FIXED) 1107.3 GB free on 1397.3 GB total space
  14. 4. Mai 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600] Service Pack 3
    Memory: 1313MB/2051MB
    Machine: \\OSKAR running at 2464 Mhz
    Has been up for: 1 day(s), 15 hour(s), 24 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 68.3 GB free on 92.8 GB total space
    D:\(FIXED) 35.4 GB free on 48.8 GB total space
    X:\(FIXED) 47.0 GB free on 189.9 GB total space
    Input stream: 2420 KBytes/sec

  15. 4. Mai 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP [version 5.1.2600] Service Pack 3
    Memory: 1447MB/2051MB
    Machine: \\***** running at 2331 Mhz
    Has been up for: 0 day(s), 3 hour(s), 43 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 37.2 GB free on 74.5 GB total space
    D:\(FIXED) 155.7 GB free on 232.9 GB total space
    F:\(FIXED) 348.8 GB free on 931.5 GB total space
    Input stream: 137 KBytes/sec
  16. 4. Mai 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    Jetzt sieht man endlich auf einen Blick wer leecher ist und wer nicht
    Ich habe erstmal direkt einen Virusscan gemacht! Das Programm muss ja förmlich verseucht sein!

  17. 4. Mai 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004
    Operating System: Microsoft Windows ??? [version 6.0.6001] Service Pack 1
    Memory: 999MB/2049MB -> 2 GB
    Machine: \\HAUPTMANN running at 2395 Mhz -> C2D E6600
    Has been up for: 3 day(s), 0 hour(s), 21 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 50.4 GB free on 457.8 GB total space
    L:\(FIXED) 574.0 GB free on 931.5 GB total space
    is schon recht lange an aber ich bekomme immer diesen error von wegen, kein datenträger vorhanden....
  18. 4. Mai 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004

    Operating System: Microsoft Windows ??? [version 6.0.6001] Service Pack 1
    Memory: 1808MB/2052MB
    Machine: running at 1994 Mhz
    Has been up for: 4 day(s), 5 hour(s), 37 minutes
    C:\(FIXED) 125.0 GB free on 275.4 GB total space
    D:\(FIXED) 0.1 GB free on 22.7 GB total space
  19. 4. Mai 2009
    AW: Wie schaut euer System aus...

    GetInfo v0.3 - Query system info and test bandwitdh
    Copyright (C) 2003-2004

    C:\ = 60 GB Maxtor, Hauptfestplatte mit Windows etc.
    D:\ = 320 GB Maxtor, Zweitfestplatte für Allerlei / Backups
    E:\ = 500 GB Maxtor, Externe Festplatte für Downloads (RR etc.)
    H:\ = 1000 GB / 1 TB Iomega HDD, Externe Festplatte weil die 500GB fast voll ist
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